Shelfie Stacker Components Overview and Impressions
All games deserve a good insert. I’ve been saying this for a long time. Even my favourite games get docked points if they lack a sturdy insert to hold all the games components. Shelfie Stacker from Arkus Games is leading the way in terms of storage solutions, and while I’m not sure how much I love the game yet, getting it out and putting it away is a real treat!
Shelfie Stacker is all about rolling dice and slotting them into your gaming shelf, or your shelf of shame. Player will play cards that will provide them various bonuses and abilities, but it also impacts which order you select dice from the central play area. The card quality here is fine, nothing crazy to write home about. In fact, with so few cards and with room to spare, I’d consider sleeving these cards for future plays. I’m not saying the game NEEDS sleeves as I think the card quality is perfectly acceptable, but with so few cards I would consider it.
The game has a ton of dice, and they are colourful and feel great to roll. They are printed dice as opposed to etched, so I do have concerns about the long term impact that rolling in hard surfaces will have to the finish. That remains to be scene, but based on other printed dice I’ve used, wear will be apparent a half dozen plays in or so. With this one, as I do with all games with printed dice, I recommend rolling into a soft dice tray! Still, u do love these dice and they feel and look great!
There are a few cardboard bits in the box which is are great – nice and thick, but again nothing here that would make me say, “Wow” although the dual layered boards are very nice and have a functional purpose that isn’t just aesthetic.
What will make me say “Wow” however is the insert. I’ll say it again, in case you missed it: ALL BOARD GAMES SHOULD HAVE INSERTS. I think too many companies are trying to squeeze games into tiny boxes to save on production / shipping but I don’t think the average board game player thinks it is worth it. Shelfie Stacker COULD fit in a smaller box I’m sure, but Arkus Games made sure everything had a spot. Card slots for cards, spaces for cardboard bits, and a nice plastic dice tray that not only holds the dice, but makes them easy to extract as well. This is huge for game setup!
Overall, I’m VERY impressed with this production from Arkus Games. I haven’t opened up the other game we received from them for review, but I assume the production is just as good. That being said, I cannot wait to play more of Shelfie Stacker in the near future. I do think it’s a win for Arkus!
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