Developers, I love you, but this conversation is overdue. Your choice of graphical settings consistently suck in console games, and it’s time to just hand over the reigns to the end user. I know, I know, this isn’t what consoles are all about. Just buy a PC, right? But these new consoles are powerful enough to do native 4K, 60FPS, and definitely not both. But why? On PC, players can make their own compromises, working out the kinks on as…
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Game Guides: How The Art of Cheating Has Disappeared
My office is filled with books and on the bottom shelf is a treasure trove of old game guides. I’ll never need to know how to win at Gangsters again, but it’s there, ready for an emergency. Nostalgia – it’s the only reason to keep them. They’re worth pennies, if that. But they remind me of a better time: the days when you could look up a problem in any video game without hearing the phrase “like and subscribe”. I…
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Switch is Holding Back Nintendo’s Potential
The first footage of Pokemon Legends Arceus has drawn a number of different reactions. You don’t have to mine too far into the depths of YouTube to find a few dozen manchildren – all eerily identical – staring open-mouthed in reaction video thumbnails. Their opinions are absolutely valid, but, come on guys, admit you’re all Metal Gear Solid style clones. The cat is out the bag. Our own Adam Roffel had some Pokemon thoughts of his own. ...
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The Best Deals In Gaming
2021 is looking a little bare at the minute, which isn’t a bad thing. There are so many games to play and so little time – and that’s why you can save lots of money by picking the right deals for you. Being a bit clever with the way your spend your hard-earned cash can maximise your game total, save you cash and mean you’re never overstretched. Of course, how you spend your money will depend on your tastes in…
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The State of State of Play
Let’s be honest – this week’s State of Play was just okay. The recent general Nintendo Direct wasn’t much better. What happening with these update videos, and why do they keep disappointing? My first instinct was that this was an expectation problem. If you’re hoping to see your first glimpse of God of War: Ragnarok, you’re not going to be overjoyed by the biggest news being a piece of DLC for a year old game. But ...
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How Some Games Rely Completely on Money Rewards
Some games rely on story, others on breathtaking visuals or outstanding gameplay. Others – it’s all about that money. There’s a definite thrill from playing something – responsibly – where there’s a bit of a risk. That might be losing face on the quiz machine down the pub, a game with permanent deaths or, yes, the occasional gamble. The last one tends to be entirely built around the thrill of winning or losing. The joy ...
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I’m Sick of Silent Hill
It’s been nine years next month since the last Silent Hill game was released, but people can’t stop talking about this damn franchise. Insiders everywhere know the next game is coming very, very soon. They promise. Honestly. It’s definitely going to be announced at the next big event. Trust me, it definitely is. Unless it isn’t, then it will be announced at some other time. Also, it’s going to be exclusive to PS5. Maybe not, ...
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Last Bets In: Will Bethesda Games Stay Exclusive?
By Monday, there’s every chance the Zenimax/Bethesda purchase will be over and Doom, Fallout, Elder Scrolls and a host of other IPs will become Microsoft exclusives. Although it depends what you want to believe. Depending where you get your news from, it may be you believe PS5 owners will continue to get these legendary IPs. Certainly over the next few weeks, the sale is going to go through, and Microsoft will be able to give a more definitive roadmap ...
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Square Enix: Should Sony Make An Offer?
The rumour mill’s latest target is Square Enix – and Twitter think’s Sony may have already made an offer. The narrative is a bit muddy. Square won’t be fully bought out, but will somehow become a PlayStation Studios developer. That means Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider and a host of other classics will become exclusive. How likely is this? What would it do for the gaming industry? Final Final Fantasy (on Xbox and PC)? Let’s face it, a ...
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It’s Time For Xbox Live Gold To Go
In an age where you can play anywhere with Xbox, it’s a little unfair that only a portion of users have to pay for Xbox Live Gold. “Because it makes money” is not a good justification for a service or product. “It makes money because it is good value” or “because it provides something unique and entertaining” is fine. “Because we shut out part of our service if you don’t pay” is not. And I know Xbox ...
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