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Posts By Mat Growcott


Gambling With PayPal

PayPal is one of the biggest payment methods in the world, so it only makes sense that people would want to gamble using the service. There’s good news and bad news there. While it’s perfectly possible to use PayPal for slots and casinos across the web, it becomes increasingly difficult if you live in the US. But so long as gambling is legal where you live and you’re not in the US, you should be able to find casinos that…

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The GTA Trilogy Shows Publishers Are Too Cocky

When I wrote that the GTA Trilogy collection had best be good, because even Rockstar only gets one chance to majorly screw up, I worried I might be being overly sensitive. This is Rockstar we’re talking about, they’re not going to release a game that has the lowest Metacritic user score of all time. Yes, Grand Theft Auto 6 will now only sell 100 million copies instead of 155 million. Or, more likely, we’ll all be taken in by the…

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Halo Infinite – First Impressions

At long last, Microsoft’s long-awaited Xbox Series launch title is here. Halo Infinite is a year late and, in fact, arriving after Forza Horizon 5 and Psychonauts 2, but better late than never. And, actually, it has been a long time since Halo has felt this good. The multiplayer mode for Halo Infinite was shadowdropped during the Xbox 20th anniversary celebrations on Monday. Technically still a beta, it is the full release in every way except name. You ...

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Should I Mod My Mobile Phone?

Phones are getting more and more powerful, and the things they can do are only getting more impressive. But sometimes you want to go a little bit further than what the manufacturer intended. That’s when you might start asking whether modding is for you. Rooting your phone is the easiest way to gain absolute power over your device. You can do what you want with it – after all, it is your device. But if you’re considering doing it, ask…

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Unpacking Review

In a gaming landscape where bigger is better, Unpacking is something else entirely. There are no cutscenes, no sob story, no need to pretend your charming protagonist isn’t a multiple murderer. There’s just a lot of boxes. A LOT of boxes. And it’s your job to empty all those boxes. Doing so is simple, and there’s hardly any rules to where you can put something (at least up to a point). Moving house is surprisingly relaxing when you can ...

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Danger: NFTs – DLC Has Levelled Up

There’s a very important topic of conversation that is getting buried behind Digital Foundry videos, arguments about whose console loads the fastest and hype for games that probably don’t exist. NFTs are confusing, mysterious and coming to the game industry at a rate of knots. It’s time to be very afraid. Why should you be worried? Imagine the early days of DLC – horse armour and the like – and then imagine it was 100 times more ...

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Smash Bros. Ultimate Re-Review – A Celebration

It’s been a couple of weeks since Sora became the last DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and I’ve been playing it a lot. Man, what a wonderful game. Ultimate is about right. It brings together almost everything to love about the franchise. But more than that, it has become a real celebration of everything that makes Nintendo and gaming as a whole special. After multiple DLC characters and a couple of years to settle into itself, I ...

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Forza Horizon 5 Review

How do you perfect on perfection? That was the problem facing Playground when they came to create a sequel to the already incredible Forza Horizon 5. And you know what? They managed it. That’s not to say that it’s a massive improvement. Quite the opposite in fact. This is not a revolutionary experience. You’re not going to rethink the racing genre off the back of this game. But do you need to? When a game is this much fun, when…

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The GTA Trilogy Remaster is Just Wrong – And I Want It

Re-releasing Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City and San Andreas with only a handful of improvements is ridiculous. It’s lazy. It’s outrageous. But the GTA Trilogy Remaster is something I’m totally down for. Here’s the problem: these three games are incredibly good. More than that, they ooze nostalgia. To play them with improved controls and graphics will restore them back to the level I thought they were back in the early noughties. Believe ...

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Making the Most of Online Casinos

Everybody dreams of winning it big at the casino, jetting off somewhere sunny and living the rest of their lives on the beach. And while most of us realise how unlike that is, that attractive thought can sneak in when we’re gambling. And it can lead to poor decisions. To make the most of online casinos, you have to know how they work. The fact you’re already reading this puts you ahead of most people. A little bit of research…

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