After a hasty court case, the Microsoft/Activision merger has taken a giant leap towards being closed. The FTC wanted the merger to be halted, but today Judge Jacqueline Corley allowed the deal to go ahead. The FTC, she said, had failed to show that competition would be lowered because of the merger. In fact, the opposite is true. She said: “This Court’s responsibility in this case is narrow. It is to decide if, notwithstanding these current ...
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Nearly 90% of Old Games are Unavailable
A new study from the Video Game History Foundation has revealed that nearly 90 percent of games made before 2010 are “out of print”. Only 13 percent of games from before 2010 are still available to purchase today, with that number dropping to a pitiful three percent when looking before 1985. This isn’t good enough. Doesn’t it just perfectly frame the constant battles with the likes of Nintendo over old games? The community protects and ...
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Whatever Happened to PSVR2?
I went into Game for the first time in a while yesterday. I was met with a bit of a surprise. PSVR2 – a steal at nearly £600 with a game. I’m not sure who is doing the stealing, but it isn’t whoever bought it. And that’s all good and well. People can buy what they want for whatever price they want. I can call them ridiculous, they can ignore me. It’s the circle of life. But once the initial…
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Is Threads Good For Gaming News?
To cut a long story short, the answer is a resounding no – but only for now. Before we get too much into this topic, it should be said that this is probably an answer that is probably relatively unique to each of us. Depending on how your feed looks – perhaps influenced by what you used Instagram for – you might have a very different answer. But the point remains that you’ll not be able to use Instagram’s (and…
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Red Dead Redemption Might Return
It’s been rumoured for almost as long as the infuriating Silent Hill stuff, but it might actually be happening: Red Dead Redemption might be making its return. Red Dead Redemption has been rated in Korea. In 2023. And that doesn’t make much sense unless it is being re-released in some way or another. Now that doesn’t mean it’s the remake that we’ve all been waiting for and, yes, expecting for the last few years. The rumours were ...
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There is Too Much Assassin’s Creed On the Way
Assassin’s Creed is the only game Ubisoft seem to be making, with 11 new titles in the works. That’s according to a leak that’s also promising a Black Flag remake. That’s four single-player games, three multiplayer games, two VR games (an unreleased game and a sequel to the unreleased game), a mobile game and, yes, a Black Flag remake. Why? Who the hell knows? That’s a lot of Assassin’s Creed. It might be too much ...
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LolBeans: The Rise of Casual Battle Royale
When Fall Guys took off the way it did, a genre was born. And it’s no surprise that people are hungry for as much content as possible. That’s why it’s amazing that other developers have taken it upon themselves to make similar games. One such title is Lolbeans, and it offers up much of the same entertainment that Fall Guys offers. It has one major advantage though: it’s available to play in browser, and for free. If you’re one ...
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Mario Vs Sonic: New 2D Chaos
Nineties warriors unite: it’s time for the battle of Sonic and Mario to rage again. For the first time in forever, new major 2D entries in both franchises will be coming to fans. And to celebrate I propose we do away with the corporate worship of modern gaming fandoms, and beat the shit out of each other in the schoolyard instead. Because look at how awesome our heroes look in the picture above. Look at the edge, the sheer cool…
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Using TikTok To Market Your Games
Every time a new social media platform comes along, it doesn’t take long for people to start asking how to use it to market. It makes perfect sense. When you’ve got millions of people paying attention to a single app, you want some of them to look your way. Making it happen – that’s the trick. And it goes without saying: most the people who make it big on any brand of social media, TikTok included, do so completely by…
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The Metal Gear Collection is a Treasure Trove
There was a time when I was certain the newly announced Metal Gear Solid Collection would be a cash grab. I hoped I’d be wrong. Taking the original HD Collection off the shelf and just smashing it on PS5 would have been very, very easy. Even the addition of the original Metal Gear Solid felt a bit like we were getting additional value. But as part of the Nintendo Direct, Konami confirmed exactly what we would be getting. They also…
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