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Posts By Mat Growcott


Angry Birds Trilogy has surpassed a million sales

Activision and Rovio have announced that their Angry Birds Trilogy has surpassed a million sales at retail. Released across PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the 3DS...

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Black Ops 2 Free weekend on Steam

If you didn’t have anything to do this weekend, that has now changed. Activision and Steam are hosting a free Black Ops II multiplayer weekend, meaning you can download and play ...

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PlayStation 4 Finally Revealed

In front of millions of people the world over, Sony last night announced their next foray into the world of gaming. The PlayStation 4 boasts an impressive array of social and convenience features

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Family Guy Back to Multiverse Review

Family Guy is one of the top animations on TV and, whether you love it or hate it, continues to pull in massive numbers. It stands to reason that every so often they’ll push out a game. The first attempt at digitizing the most outspoken family on TV, the Family Guy Video Game! for Xbox, PSP and PS2, entertained fans of the show, but critics were far less forgiving. Early last year Activision announced Back to the Multiverse, an adventure in which Brian and ...

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Hitman Trilogy HD Review

The Hitman games were a master class in stealth and player choice when they were originally released. Agent 47 could find a thousand ways of eliminating any target and sneaking out without anybody being any the wiser, and playing again and again to improve your playthrough was a big part of the way the series worked. With Absolution, the latest in the franchise, now available in stores, this HD collection is a nice way of comparing how the series has evolved ...

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Destiny not in 2013

It’s taken far too long for Bungie to announce their first post-Halo title, but with Destiny they’ve certainly got people talking. It almost seems a little too good to be true:

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Alien Colonial Marines Review

Aliens: Colonial Marines, a collaboration between SEGA and Gearbox, was first announced in 2006, just short of a year before the reveal of Borderlands. Borderlands was released in 2009 to critical acclaim, Aliens wasn’t and wouldn’t be until much later. In fact, Colonial Marines was presumed dead for much of its six and a half year development cycle and perhaps, given the controversy surrounding the title since its release, it should have been left buried. With ...

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Arcadecraft Review

There has been a distinct lack of business sims these past few years. While Theme Park and its ilk bring back happy memories for those old enough to remember them, something about the genre has led to it disappearing almost completely, and when it does show up it’s usually watered down on mobile devices. Arcadecraft hopes to change that by lettings fans control their very own arcade at the height of their popularity in the eighties. Pick which games you want to ...

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Battlefield 3 Review

Battlefield is a franchise known for its more serious take on war and for its emphasis on teamwork and strategy. It got a following – and rightly so – for its large maps, it’s vehicles and its excellent community. Battlefield 3 is the first main entry in the series since Battlefield 2 was released in 2005 and is the first specifically for HD consoles. With top notch graphics and impressive animation, have DICE squeezed as much as they’re going to get out of the ...

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Dota 2 Review

It took an awful long time and a lot of legal wrangling with Blizzard for Valve to be able to call their new game DotA 2, but that’s what it is. In terms of spirit and content, this is the follow-up to the top Warcraft 3 mod that started a genre and remains popular to this day. Although the characters and maps aren’t a million miles away from those available in, for instance, League of Legends, it’s the unique polish and the effort placed into graphics and ...

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