Double Fine are currently at PAX East, sharing a booth with Capy, with whom they have released a bundle on Steam. To commemorate their working together, a few developers have created a game: Capy Fine Racing GP, an Outrun-style retro game with a twist - it actually comes on a floppy disk.
Read MorePosts By Mat Growcott
Gears of War:Judgment Review
Never a franchise known for deep, memorable storytelling, the concept of Gears of War: Judgment seemed a little odd. Were people really that interested in what Baird and Cole were up to when Emergence Day occurred, or right before the final attack on Azura of Gears of War 3? It turns out the absence of Marcus wouldn't change things too much: Gears of War: Judgment follows in the veins of its predecessors in both style and personality, though to slightly lesser ...
Read MoreMasters of the World Review
If you’ve ever looked through the papers, hoping to find a shred of explanation as to why politicians act the way they do, knowing full well that you could do a far better job, Masters of the World is for you. It’s the third in Eversim’s geo-political simulator series, and while other games task you with ruling the world or coming to an uneasy peace with every other nation, in Masters of the World you’ll make difficult decisions, work to jumpstart the economy ...
Read MoreNew Soccer Star Review
Introduction New Soccer Star has been around for a long time, but its jump to mobile devices has rocketed the franchise to new heights. Not only did its creator, Simon Read, win a BAFTA over other, more established franchises like FIFA and Forza, but sales have been high and critical reception seems to have been very positive as well. With great reviews, a place in award show history and a renewed interest in what is bound to be a bigger…
Read MoreESRB Rate Jak and Daxter Collection for Vita
The ESRB have rated a version of the Jak and Daxter HD Collection for PlayStation Vita. If you’ve ever wanted a healthy dose of platforming fun (followed by two less fun but great games) on the go, this might be your chance. Although not confirmed by Sony, an ESRB rating means a port is almost certainly in the works and is probably even in the latter stages of development. First spotted by Neogaf user ULTROS!, the Jak and Daxter HD…
Read MoreTrials Evolution Gold Edition Review
Trials HD was perhaps one of the most difficult games of this generation. Getting through the later levels took such a degree of timing, so much muscle memory and a healthy dose of luck. For Evolution, Red Lynx pushed everything one step further, creating a game where the stunts were more deadly, the feats more impressive and the locations more interesting. Now the franchise is finally returning to PC, and to reward the long wait the developers have decided to ...
Read MoreThe Mobile Movement: How The Indie Revolution is Changing the Industry
At some point over the last six or seven years, the gaming world completely changed. The omnipotent power of the big publishers started to wane and, thanks to more open platforms like Steam, Android and the App Store on iDevices, smaller developers could release a game and have it sell hundreds of thousands, if not millions of copies. Perhaps the biggest indicator of this shift in recent weeks was at the BAFTAs. Indie games took home almost every single prize, ...
Read MoreDurango Unleashed – Everything We Know, Everything We Don’t Understand
The next Xbox - code named Durango - has been something of a worry for gamers that supported Microsoft this last generation. Rumours of always-on connections, used-game blocking and an increased reliance on apps and Kinect have got people worried. After the PlayStation 4 reveal, the panic increased. The PS4 seemed to do everything right, and yet the negatives of Durango kept leaking. Just how much of it is true? What can we expect to see from Microsoft's next ...
Read MoreEgg Shaped PS4? – Just what are Sony UK Teasing?
Sony have yet to show off their PS4 console, and it’s causing many to wonder just what the device will look like. That’s why a post on the UK Sony Facebook page is causing a bit of a splash with their followers. The picture shows a red egg-shaped device that looks as much like a chair from an old sci-fi program than it does a games console. This can’t possible be the PlayStation 4, can it? I have to admit,…
Read MoreKingdom Hearts 3D Review
Kingdom Hearts is a franchise well-loved by RPG and Disney fans alike, not surprising considering its impressive blend of animation-based nostalgia and slick gameplay. The first two games were met with critical acclaim, but it was spin-off after spin-off that has caused some to abandon the series, waiting for the holy grail that is Kingdom Hearts 3. Dream Drop Distance, for the 3DS, is about the closest we’ve ever come to a full Sora-and-Co sequel, but is that ...
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