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Posts By WMMN


The Growth And Development of eSports Betting

The Rise Of eSports The internet age not only brings us a wealth of information and more interconnected social bonds through media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, but it can also innovate and reinvigorate industries. This is none more evident than the rise of eSports. eSports is the official title for competitive online gaming. It was a long road to becoming classified as a sport but now that it has been, it has opened up a whole new world of…

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The Top Android Betting Apps Rated and Reviewed

Best Sports Betting Apps for Android The Android operating system is now the world’s most popular, so bookmakers that base their operations on the Internet are making haste to provide Android compatible apps in order to ensure customers keep coming back for more. If you own an Android powered smartphone like I do, you can enjoy the very same advanced apps that I can, and win a little extra money even when out and about. The first piece of good…

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What is So Special about Online Slots?

The evenings of the afternoons are perfectly spent with the bills clinging and you are winning the slots. Indeed, entertainment value of the time increases to a great extent when you play the online slots.

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Top Budget Processors for Gaming

When it comes to gaming processors and computing as a whole, Intel have led the field for many years now. It would be easy to forget that there are other processor manufacturers out there! Each Intel generation since 1989 has brought new and exciting advancements in gaming, with higher CPU capabilities and features that can power bigger, better games.

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The New Platforms Taking The Gaming World By Storm

Gamers know that something you can always rely on is for games to adapt and evolve over time. All games go through a number of cycles in their lifetimes, and there are many different changing characteristics which you can expect to see as part of this evolution.

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Keep Your Eyes Peeled! The Most Anticipated Games This Year

Hardcore gamers probably won’t need to read this article. That is because you’ve probably been reading magazines and checking websites that mention these titles for months. However, most hobby gamers struggle to remain at the cutting-edge because of other commitments.

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The Future Of PC Gaming

There is no denying that the world of electronic gaming has been around for a long time. The history of computer gaming can be traced back many decades, even well before the world’s first commercially available games console.

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Why anyone should care about changing IP?

Did you notice that even using the Internet you leave traces? These traces are content one sends and receives from the server and IP which can be detected by people who are interested in your location and data. Most often, among those interested are a lot of hackers and government agencies whom you don’t want to inspect your internet usage. If you don’t want to have the power not to let them do that, the only thing you need is…

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Videos Games And Hollywood: A Rivalry, or In Sync

It quietly crept up on everybody, but the relationship between good old Hollywood and the relatively recent video games industry is now something of a hot topic for entertainment industry analysts. Certainly, the two giants have been ebbing and flowing from one another in recent years, or have they? From the outsider’s perspective, it looks like most of the courting has been from Hollywood, who have been serenading the video game industry for a number of ...

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The Unstoppable Force of Mobile Gaming

Whether you’re an early adopter of smartphones and have had one for almost a decade or you’ve recently bought into the craze and you’re the proud owner of something new such as a Samsung Galaxy S7, you’ve probably played video games on your phone before.

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