It’s a warm Saturday night in the summer. The dirt is flying as 20 sprint cars slide around the track in a perpetual left-hand turn, jockeying for position in front of local fans and family members. The motors are a constant drone, leaving your ears ringing while the dirt and dust gets in your eyes; leaving a gritty feeling in your teeth. In video games, that smalltown dirt-track feeling has been missing for a while. Sure, you can run a…
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Preparing to DREAM (PS4)
So before I embark on my journey into Dreams, lets discuss for a bit why I am excited (and nervous) to try this bad boy out. When Dreams was first unveiled officially at E3 in 2015, it had me interested. I am often a sucker for the oddities in video games, and this seemed to have it all with unlimited potential. For those who don’t know, at it’s core Dreams is a video game making tool. But it’s not just…
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Wargroove + Double Trouble DLC
At its core, Wargroove is very much a modern take on Advance Wars from back in the GBA days, while taking on a medieval fantasy setting vs modern military. But do NOT confuse this with a Fire Emblem game, it's very much not that, and I welcome the change of pace as it's been a long time since we've had something like this! Here is the game description: Following the assassination of King Mercival II of Cherrystone by the High Vampire Sigrid of Felheim, ...
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Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 Warlords of New York Taking Agents on the Ultimate Manhunt Starting March 3
Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 Warlords of New York Taking Agents on the Ultimate Manhunt Starting March 3 The Division 2’s narrative-driven expansion will bring players to a new devastated open world in South Manhattan. Starting tomorrow, players can experience the prologue with Episode 3 – Coney Island: The Hunt, available free on February 12 for Year 1 pass holders, February 19 for all The Division 2 players. Montreal — February 11, 2020 — Today, ...
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Stone Review
Have you ever said to yourself, “Gee, I wish there was a game where I can play as a belligerent drunken Koala private eye in search of his lover Alex?” Well I certainly didn’t, but yet here we are, time to review Stone - A Hip Hop Stoner Noir by Convict Games.
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Review Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot
When I was younger, I actually remember my father of all people, enjoying DBZ. I would often see him watching them on Cartoon Network, to be honest I was intrigued but never quite a fan. Many folks have told me it’s better to not watch them on TV, etc etc. But that was the exposure I had, I did like the action and story, however it was painfully slow and dragged out in twenty minute bursts of people yelling AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…
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