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Posts By Daniel Fugate


A Grand Adventure Awaits in Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale

I’ve never played a Story of Seasons game before. I have played several of the Harvest Moons and one of the Rune Factory games though. So I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started up Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale for the 3DS. Would it be like Harvest Moon or Rune Factory?   Return of PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is an RPG first and foremost. The game does have a farming element, much like…

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Pokken Tournament Review

Do you love Pokemon? Do you love fighting games? If so, you’ll want to read my review of Pokken Tournament! Pokken’s story doesn’t get in the way of its fights and that’s the most important thing about it. I wouldn’t say that the story is a major plus or minus against the game. Basically, the story is interesting enough that you’ll want to see what’s going to happen, but its also a good thing that there isn’t more to it…

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Two Heads Are Better Than One In Pokken Tournament For Wii U

One of the things I like best about fighting games are the multiplayer modes. I especially enjoy local two-player games because both of my parents are video games fans and both of them enjoy fighting with me! Pokken Tournament, thankfully, has an two-player mode that is a lot of fun. I’ll tell you a little bit about it. My mom likes Pokemon. I don’t think she’d ever be a fan of the rpg Pokemon games, but she likes the free…

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You Might Want to Practice Your Pokken Skills

After watching the opening movie, I decided that I might want to find out how the game controlled. So, I want to the practice mode! I’ll tell you about that mode and how yesterday I went back and practiced even more. Time to talk about Pokken Tournament! I’m not a big fighting game fan. I loved Super Smash Bros and Tekken, but usually I’m playing an rpg or a sim. So for me, it was important to have a handle…

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Pokken Tournament Will Catch Your Attention Right Away

I’ve never reviewed a big Nintendo game before. When I was asked me to review Pokken Tournament, I got really excited. A review copy of a Nintendo game?! Wow. And its a Pokemon fighting game that looks really good too. Now, I’m not a Pokemon fan, but I thought Pokken looked cool. Today, I want to tell you about my very first reaction to Pokken. This is how I felt when I saw the game’s opening movie! When I first…

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More Thoughts From Me #10: Video Games Don’t Need Stories

One of my early entries to this column said that every video game needed a story. Now I’m back to give you the opposite position: Video Games don’t need stories! Tetris, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, and many other games do not have stories. After my last article about video games needing stories, I had some people say, ” Ya, but this game doesn’t have one.” And its true. Not all video games need stories. In fact, I’ll ...

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Indie Game Axiom Verge Has Been Announced for the Wii U and Xbox One

We were told that Axiom Verge was unlikely to come to the Wii U. So today’s announcement that the game is coming to the Wii U was a huge surprise. Not only that, but the game is coming to the Xbox One too! Axiom Verge is a game I’m not too familiar with. All I really know about the game is that its Metroid-like and that a lot of people seem to like it. I’m a Wii U and 3DS…

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Oddworld Inhabitants Announces Oddworld: Soulstorm

I’ve been a fan of the Oddworld games since the first game on PS1. When it was announced that the new game, Oddworld N’Tasty, was coming to the Wii U I was really excited. As it turned out, New N’Tasty for Wii U was a great game! And now the developer, Oddworld Inhabitants, has announced a new game in the franchise. What’s this game called and what’s it about? Read on to find out!     Oddworld Inhabitants has announced…

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Bravely Second Demo Thoughts

Bravely Second, Square Enix’s upcoming rpg for the 3DS, will be coming out next month. Ahead of that, Square released a demo for the game. The demo is titled Bravely Second: The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers and features a story that can’t be found in the full game. How is this demo and is it worth downloading? Here are my thoughts! I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Bravely Second demo. I was hoping that it would be…

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The Key to This Week’s Super Mario Maker Update

This week, Nintendo released an update for Super Mario Maker. The update brought some new tools to Super Mario Maker’s creator. I’ll tell you about these new tools and what I think of them so far. Every time Nintendo updates Super Mario Maker, I can’t wait to see what the new tools will be and how they’ll work. This week Nintendo added some new items to put into levels. My favorite of these new tools is a key. The key…

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