Welcome to Jumanji! I am sure your visit will be short and left with disappointment. Firstly I will start off by saying I absolutely love the movie, watched it several times, and even purchased it. When I picked up this game for Xbox, I was excited. I wasn’t going to let the fact that most movie-based games usually come out terrible, and so I kept an open mind. Jumanji The Video Game features the same characters as in the…
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Watch Dogs Legion Stadia
Watch Dogs Legion is the third installment in the series. The game takes place in London where crime and terrorism are ruining the city. It is your job as a member of DedSec to form a team and clean up the city. London looks absolutely great, and you can tell Ubisoft took time to put great detail into the game. In a truly open world with many different missions, side quests, and exploring to do, it’s easy to spend hours…
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Mafia 2 Definitive Edition
Welcome to Empire Bay. I grew up playing the Mafia series on every platform and was so excited for a remaster. Mafia 2 stars Vito Scarletta, a young Italian who wants to live large and make real money. To achieve this, he turns to organized crime. At the start of the game, Vito lives with his mother and sister in a little apartment. When the game starts, Vito is with his best friend Joe Barbaro doing a jewelry heist. As…
Read MoreReigns on Stadia
Reigns is a text based strategy game that takes place in Medieval times where you are king of the land. The game play is extremely simple, giving payers the option to swipe left or right when you are ready to make a decision after reading the text. Each time you play you are given a king to control, with the simple objective of trying to live as long as you can. Each decision you make will impact the story in…
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