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New Releases this week | Aug 5th – Aug 11th 2013
The summer drought has come and gone if this week's releases are any indication. The upcoming 7 days are rife with new releases particularly for PlayStation.

Retailers helped kill the Wii U – It could happen with the PS4 and Xbox One Too
ASDA have announced that they will no longer be stocking Wii U units in stores, nor will they stock games or accessories. To those of you who didn't buy a Wii U at launch, this might be news. To the rest of us, it's been a long, slow, predictable road with only one conclusion. And the worst thing? The small amount of shelf space, the complete lack of display, the mixed interest... it could easily all happen again when the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One release at the end of this year.

New Releases this week | July 29th – Aug 4th 2013
Releases this week include a Call Of Duty wannabe, a HD remake of a 90's classic, an unacceptably hard platformer and a cute baby eating rice.

Painkiller: Hell and Damnation Trophy Guide
Painkiller definitely isn't in the running for best game in the world, but it can still be quite fun, when crippling slowdown and constant repetition aren't getting in the way. Even so, you'll need a lot of patience if you plan to get all of these. It'll require you to play a lot of online (almost impossible with no one playing) and do absolutely everything the single player offers (more than once), but that platinum trophy can be yours. Especially if you use this handy Painkiller trophy guide.

New Releases this week | July 22nd – July 28th
Pretty dead week this week for releases (especially for consoles). You just know it's a slow week when Smurfs 2 is the headline game.

Dynasty Warriors is Everything Gamers Want – Why is it a Punchline?
If you've been watching gaming communities over the last few months, you'll have noticed a mantra of sorts beginning to form. It tends to be some variation on "if you give us what we want, we'll buy it." It's a noble idea, but one that's not quite true.

Tiny Tina – How Dragon’s Keep Changed my Mind
After Borderlands' narrative had disappointed me so many times before, I went into Assault on Dragon's Keep expecting another fun but hollow adventure into the world of Pandora. Instead, I received a gorgeous, wildly entertaining piece of content that not only finds the emotional connection the series has so desperately needed, but does so in the place I'd least expect to find it.

New Releases this week | July 15th – 21st 2013
The upcoming 7 days sees quite a lot of variety with RPGs, brain dead shooters, snail racing, and even men in bowler hats. No PC releases but the other...

Ethan: Meteor Hunter Preview
Ethan Meteor Hunter is a puzzle platform game by Seaven Studio. You play as Ethan, a mouse given the power to stop time because he was hit by a meteor. The reason for this isn't explained in the alpha, but perhaps it will be revealed in the full game. Ethan's mission is to collect bits of meteorites as he makes his way through 50 levels. There is a counter at the top of the screen to let you know how many meteorites are in a given level and how many you have collected. It's definitely an original idea, at least from what I’ve seen.

New Releases this week | July 8th – July 15th
A pretty good week for new releases this week with something for everyone on almost all platforms. As always this is not an exhaustive list and release dates may change at short notice.