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“You Asked For This” – The Road to SimCity is Paved with Anti-Piracy Emotional Blackmail
It's difficult to get an unbiased view on piracy. People who download content illegally are either thieves or are paving the way for a more consumer-friendly tomorrow; publishers are either protecting their intellectual property or are pushing honest gamers to jump through hoops in order to enjoy their purchase (often when pirates get access without any issue). Sometimes the line between the two options blurs and all the statements end up being true. This has come further into light thanks to EA's SimCity, which boasts a need for an always-on connection. We've all been told that piracy is stealing, that each game pirated is a meal out of a developer's baby's mouth. Many of us have believed it. Many of us have defended it. What if we were wrong?
PS4 Backwards Compatibility Explained: Why Sony Ditched Offline BC and Why The Cloud is the Future
The big issue for the PlayStation 4 is its lack of offline backwards compatibility. It’s the most often repeated complaint, often followed some variation of the phrase “it’s not a deal breaker, but really Sony should have made more of an effort.”
ACIV Reveals more than Expected on Next-Gen
Ubisoft's press release revealing Assassin's Creed IV Black Flags was a masterclass in not saying things, but it left a pretty large set of lines within which to read between. Given that this is one of our first official announcements of a multi-gen game, it was interesting to see whoever wrote it squirm between too much information and not enough. Although it largely only confirms things we already knew, it's possible to make a few vague conclusions about release dates and power based on where the press release fell short.
History Reveals the plot of ACIV
Assassin’s Creed IV has been officially unveiled today, along with information on the main protagonist, Edward Kenway, and on the age it’ll be set in. Based at the beginning of the eighteenth century, we know for a fact that the story absolutely has to take place between 1700 and 1725 (the year Edward’s son, Haytham, was born). There’s always a chance that part of the game will have you controlling Haytham, but for now let’s presume that Ubisoft are being…