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Interview with PulseLabz Co-Founder Andy Hsu
We recently did an interview with PulseLabz co-founder Andy Hsu about his companies gaming racing chairs, doing business in Canada, and more! If you are looking into getting a PulseLabz Racing Chair this holiday season, the company has graciously offered a $40 coupon code upon checkout with the code, 'gamesreviews'. Read our interview with Andy below!
Xbox One X Coverage: Star Wars Battlefront 2
One of the biggest title hitting console and PC this holiday season is Star Wars Battlefront 2. After affair amount of early controversy - and some action on behalf of Electronic Arts - things are moving along pretty well for this galactic giant, as it tries to recapture the magic of the first Star Wars Battlefront release on Xbox a few years back. From a gameplay perspective, it's so-far-so-good, with online matches proving to be a ton of fun, and the inclusion of a single player experience a definite improvement over the last Battlefront title. Overall, EA has done a good job. But what about that extra processing power in the Xbox One X. Did EA harness that as well? Let's take a look.
Why LEGO Games are a Family Experience
If you've had the opportunity to play LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 - from Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment and Travelers Tales - you will quickly understand that it is a love letter to the Marvel Universe. For those who want to see some of those lesser known heroes, they are here. For those who want Baby Groot and Star Lord: they are here. The variety of characters available in LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 is phenomenal, and only made playing this title with my newly-minted-Marvel-fan-son that much more enjoyable. The biggest draw for my family with LEGO games: how universally accessible AND enjoyable they are, for myself, my son, and the rest of the Roffel crew.
Top New Games Out This Week on Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Come another week and you get a hot new set of games to try your hands on. This week you can try casual games such as Sonic Forces or be a cool racer playing the Need for Speed Payback. This week there are games for all types of users. The PC players have the Nioh: Complete Edition and Nintendo Switch users can enjoy Doom. Along with these games, you can also enjoy lucrative UK casino games online at Plush Casino…
More Thoughts From Me #94: Make Mine Lego Marvel
Earlier this week, Tuesday to be exact, I got Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Deluxe Edition for the Nintendo Switch. Since then, I’ve been playing the game a lot! I am nowhere near the end of the game but I wanted to share with you all my first impressions of Lego Marvel 2! How good is this game? Warning: some character spoilers ahead! The Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 Deluxe Edition is great. I got the game, a poster, a Goliath mini…
Easily Digestible : The EA Star Wars Battlefront II Scandal
If you travel in gaming circles, this news story has properly reached your ears by now. For those who don’t, it’s possibly still the most significant story they can hear of in the entertainment world. EA, otherwise known as Electronic Arts, is a truly massive publisher of games in the video gaming industry. They have titles such as Mass Effect, Fifa and Dragon Age under their wing. Not only this, but they are also in sole curation of the Star…
Online Rummy Becoming Increasingly More Popular
On the go gaming, as we have demonstrated numerous times before, is a high priority for the best majority of gamers, whether they call themselves hard core or casual. This is proven by the number of 3DS units and Nintendo Switch units that have been sold over this year. Nintendo remains at the top of the heap when it comes to gaming console sales, only topped by one other market: cell phone companies. Cell phones are becoming increasingly more available, and with more cell phones on the market, more people are looking to play games online, whether just for fun, or for real money.
Games Reviews Holiday Gift Guide: Nintendo 3DS Games
Despite the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, they are still the most powerful handheld gaming company on the planet, and with so many great titles released in 2017, we decided to highlight a few that you might want to purchase for that video game fan in your life. While this list is in no particular order, they are the games we felt were the best of 2017! Check them all out below!
Games Reviews Holiday Gift Guide: Adventure Games
2017 was a great year for adventure titles, and there really just wasn't enough time to dive into everything was available. That being said, we've collected a few of our favorite games from 2017 below, ones we see as titles you just cannot miss playing. Let's see which games we felt were the best in 2017!
Middle-earth: Shadow of War Free Content Updates & Features Announced
Are you a fan of Middle-earth: Shadow of War? If so, you should check out the information below about the games upcoming free content updates and features! According to an e-mail we received from the Middle-earth: Shadow of War PR team, here are the upcoming free content updates and features for Middle-earth: Shadow of War: “Endless Siege – Defend your fortresses against Sauron’s forces as the Dark Lord tries to reclaim Mordor in the Endless Siege. (Available Nov. 21) Rebellion…