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blank Articles 2 years ago

Tactics Ogre: Reborn Is Available Now

Tactics Ogre: Reborn is available now for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is a remaster/remake of Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together. We have some thoughts on the game below. Tactics Ogre: Reborn is available now for the Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is a remaster/remake of Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together. The game was previously on the PSP. The Reborn version has improved the games graphics and given it some improvements such…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Launch Trailer

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Collection is out today. Check out the launch trailer for the game and then our thoughts on it. Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Collection is out today on the Switch, PS4/PS5, STEAM, Xbox Series X/S, and Atari VCS. The game is a collection of Atari’s greatest hits over the years (and six new games). It includes over 100 games from Atari Jaguar, Lynx, 8-bit computers, 7800, 5200 and 2600 consoles! If you’ve ever had any…

blank Articles 2 years ago

The Most Popular Esports To Bet On

The esports sector is a fast-growing sector and today, it is one of the most popular in the gambling industry. In its earlier days, the masses did not pay so much attention to it, but now, esports is on a global scale and even top brands like bet 365 are starting to offer services around it. And since its rise to fame, there has been an unreal increase in the number of esports games, making it more difficult to choose…

blank Articles, News 2 years ago

LEGO Galaxy Explorer LEGO Set Review

When I saw that the LEGO Galaxy Explorer had about 1200 pieces in it, I was expecting a fairly decent build, but nothing compared to the sets I've reviewed that had 1000s upon 1000s of pieces. Boy was a I wrong. Earlier this month we detailed sets that would be nostalgic for adults in 2022, and we listed this set as one of them. Now we are here to tell you why it is so good, and why it would make a great gift this holiday season!

blank Articles 2 years ago

Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset is a game about a raccoon who skateboards down Mario Kart-like tracks and visits a cool skateboard shop. It’s a pretty neat game, but is it a good game? Here is our review of Tanuki Sunset for the Xbox Series S! Tanuki Sunset is a skateboarding game featuring a raccoon that plays a bit more like Mario Kart than a regular skateboarding game. You don’t race against other players nor do you get to choose who you play.…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Gaming in Education: What Are the Benefits?

Generation Z is among the most tech-savvy generations and has had a major impact on how they learn in the classroom. BidForWriting claims that almost half of all children spend at least ten hours online per day. By the age of 20, they have accumulated an average of 30,000 hours of gaming. The power of games to stimulate cognition and learning is challenging, making them a productive activity. Instead of trying to separate children from technology through separation, educators have…

blank Articles, News 2 years ago

Elite Trainer Boxes are the Perfect Holiday Gift

When it comes to beginning your Pokémon Trading Card Game collection, there are really only two places to start if you plan to actually play the game. If you are just going to collect cards, any pack or box set will do. But if you want to play, that is a different story. The starter decks allow for players to get going right away with no effort. But Elite Trainer Boxes give players almost everything they need to start crafting their very own decks

blank Articles, News 2 years ago

Two New Pokémon Build A Bear Plushies Coming to Retail

One of the better line of plush toys available from Build-A-Bear has to be the Pokémon characters. This might be followed closely by the Super Mario characters, but there is something about the Pokémon Plush toys that just make a lot of sense! Today, the Pokémon Company International and Build-A-Bear announced a brand new Pokémon plush coming to the retailer, as well as an older favourite coming back!

blank Articles 2 years ago

Indie World Showcase 11.9.2022 (video)

There was a brand new Indie World Showcase from Nintendo today! Check it out below and then come back here for some thoughts on it. Today’s Indie World Showcase was really good! A lot of games were shown and most of them looked excellent. Here are the ones that we were blown away by: Sports Story: The final game shown during the Showcase. We knew about Sports Story for awhile but had no idea when it was coming. Now we…

blank Articles 2 years ago

Live By the Sword: Tactics

Live By the Sword: Tactics is a strategy rpg in the same vein as Mercenaries Saga and Final Fantasy Tactics. Who is this game for? Is it a good game? Here is our review of Live By the Sword: Tactics for the Xbox Series S! Live By the Sword: Tactics is a strategy rpg in the same vein of the Mercenaries Saga games. The story is very simplistic: two brothers band together with other heroes to try to solve their…