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RIP E3: The end of Era

Well, its over folks. E3 is over. Thats all folks! Here’s the official statement and some thoughts for us after.


RIP E3. We knew this was coming. E3 was taking on less importance and the event didn’t even take place this year or last. The writing seemed to be on the wall. And so now here we are. Its been officially confirmed that there will be no more E3.

With the rise of digital events, first from Nintendo, then Sony and Microsoft, it seems that physical events are mostly gone. Of course the Game Awards and its supporting events remain, but thats it. E3 was the big game industry event. At its height, E3 had all the big players: Sony, Microsft, and Nintendo, plus the big developers. It was so much fun to watch. I even liked watching events for systems I didn’t have. E3 was a blast.

I loved E3. I never got to go but I loved writing about it. It was fun to talk about the events and then pick a winner. Its a shame that E3 is gone. RIP E3. Cheers!

What was your favorite E3? Did you ever get to go? Let us know what you think!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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