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Nintendo Switch and Breath of the Wild Demo On Fallon Last Night

Yesterday, Nintendo of America told everyone on twitter that Super Mario Run (for mobile) would be shown on Fallon. What they didn’t tell everyone is that they’d also show the Nintendo Switch and Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild on that system. We have the footage of Super Mario Run and the Switch/Zelda below, plus my reaction to the surprise Switch demo.


Nintendo surprised everyone by showing off the Nintendo Switch and showing live gameplay on Breath of the Wild on the system for the first time. Check out the footage and then please come back for my thoughts on it:

I didn’t watch Fallon live because I wasn’t excited about Super Mario Run. But when I heard they were showing off the Nintendo Switch too, I immediately regretted not watching the show. Thankfully, the footage from Fallon was online right after it aired.

I love Fallon’s reaction to the Nintendo Switch. That would be my reaction too! And the gameplay shown looked amazing. I especially thought it was cool when they let Fallon play the game on the portable screen! Nintendo blew me away with this surprise demo.

What do you think of this surprise? Let us know your thoughts on the Fallon Switch reveal below in the comments!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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