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The Mercenaries Return for Another Saga: A Look At Mercenaries Saga 3

Mercenaries Saga 2 for the 3DS was one of my favorite games last year. It was a game that harkened back to the Final Fantasy Tactics series, while also bringing its own unique story, characters, and level up/job system. After I beat the game, I was already ready for the next one. And thankfully, just recently, Circle Entertainment brought Mercenaries Saga 3 to the North American 3DS eshop. Here are my impressions so far of the game.


Mercenaries Saga 3 is a lot like the second game in the series. The battle system, leveling up, job system, and many other things are exactly the same. And you know what? I’m very happy with that. Why should the developers mess with perfection? With this series, I’m more than happy to have more of the same.

That said, its nice to see a brand new story and a new set of characters to meet. There are some returning characters that make appearances, but Mercenaries Saga 3 is definitely about the new characters/story.

The fantastic gameplay and interesting story/characters combine to create another really interesting game in the Mercenaries Saga series. Will it end up being one of my favorite games on 2016? Most likely, but I have a lot more of the game to play before deciding for sure.

I highly recommend that you download both games. Start with the second one and if you love it as much as I did, you’ll need the third one!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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