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Aka for Nintendo Switch

Aka is a game about a red panda who was solider and decides to retire from war. He goes to retire to a small island and the player gets put into a world where they can do whatever they want.  Is Aka a good game? Let’s find out! Here’s our review of Aka for the Nintendo Switch.


Aka is about a red panda who retires from war and goes to live on a small island. There he finds a peaceful life where he can farm, pick up trash, help out the inhabitants and more. You can do whatever you want in this game and there are all kinds of things to find. You can even get Aka a hat!

The pace of Aka is slow. The story is set up for a game that feels very much like a life sim genre game than anything else. The game feels very Zen and there’s no pressure to get anything done quickly. Though the time does go pretty fast and you’ll want to go to bed and then wake up again to put some light into your adventures.

Aka is a very nice game overall. There is a lot to do. The characters and environments are well designed. It’s a nice looking game for sure.


That said, it does suffer from long load times when you start the game and when you go into buildings. Also, the character moves a bit weird at times and its easy to fall off of ramps. The controls are not bad overall though. Farming does take a little bit of getting use to. You also need a lot of patience with this game because it doesn’t hold your hand. You have to figure out what to do next.

That all said, if you love life sim games like Harvest Moon or even indies like Beacon Pines, then you’ll want to check out Aka. Despite its flaws, its still a great game.

Aka gets an 8.0 out of 10.

Thanks to NeoWiz for providing a review code for this game. Aka is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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