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Yoshi’s Crafted World – Gameplay – Nintendo Treehouse: Live (Video)

Yesterday, Nintendo had a Treehouse Live and showed off several games. The game that stood out the most to me was Yoshi’s Crafted World! Check out the Yoshi’s Crafted World Treehouse Live gameplay video below and then please come back for my thoughts on the footage.

Yoshi’s Crafted World looks fantastic! I think the graphics look even better than Yoshi’s Woolly World, which is saying a lot because that game looked great.

This new Yoshi game has a wonderful look to it, like someone created dioramas for Yoshi to play around in. The normal levels are an absolute treat and the the flip side of each level looks even better!

The flip side reveals the hidden crafted elements of each area; barcodes, the backside of a milk carton, and more are revealed. Its like we get a peek behind the scenes of how someone crafted the levels!

Three different levels were shown off during the Treehouse Live segement. I won’t talk about all three (I easily could!) but I have to talk about my favorite of the three levels a little.

A Haunted Manison level was shown briefly. This level reminded me of Luigi’s Manison and also Castlevania. And it looked like someone’s haunted house diorama had been taken over by some very spooky Shy Guys! Its too bad this level couldn’t have been shown off on Halloween. It would’ve been so perfect to see it revealed then. The level looks really fun, both visually and gameplay wise.

Overall, Yoshi’s Crafted World looks like a blast. I look forward to checking this game out in Spring 2019!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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