More Thoughts From Me #44: What I’m Thankful For This Year
In the United States, where I live, it is almost time for Thanksgiving. The holiday is a huge thing around my house. We have lots of food, pumpkin pies, and after meal naps. Later, we go back for more food. Usually, we even have some food left for the next day too. And every year, I can’t help but think about the stuff I’m thankful for. Obviously, I’m very thankful for my family and wonderful friends (especially Jess Carder). And this year, I’m also very thankful for this site, Adam Roffel and Martin. There are a few other people, sites, and games that I’m thankful for too! 
I’ve loved working for Games Reviews this year. Adam Roffel did me a huge favor by inviting me to this site. I’ve enjoyed writing about Nintendo and Indies. The reviews, especially, are always the things I enjoy writing most.
Speaking of reviews, I was so lucky this year to review Paper Mario: Color Splash. This happened because of Adam and Nintendo. I thought the game was great and it even earned a 10 out of 10. I have never given a game a 10 out of 10 before! I guess there’s a first time for everything.
Of course, before that, I got to review Pokken Tournament this year too! I’m not a Pokemon fan, however I liked this Pokemon fighting game a lot. The fighting was a lot of fun.
I can’t just mention the big games that I reviewed this year though. I have to mention some of the Indies too!
Lightwood Games always gives me wonderful word games to review and this year was no different! I can’t wait to see what they do next.
I had the good luck to review Oddworld for Wii U this year, Jotun: Valhalla Edition, Tumblestone, and many more wonderful games!
There are also a bunch of other critics, indie developers, and twitter friends that I’m thankful for too, here’s the list:
Shawn Long: RTG 85 and Nintendo Enthusiast critic Shawn Long tells you how it is. He doesn’t hold back on his opinion about anything and that is needed so much in the gaming industry. We need critics that are unafraid of just telling you how they really feel about things. If you haven’t seen any of his videos on youtube, then you are missing out. I highly recommend them.
NintenDaan: One of the best critics and game news reporters out there. I wish I was half as good as this guy! You should follow him on twitter and read/watch everything he posts.
@Raccoonatic: Rocket Raccoon’s #1 fan and a heck of a nice person. Raccoonatic has been very supportive of my writing too and has shared a lot of the stuff I’ve written here.
Carl Smith: Writer, tweeter, and friend. Carl has an upcoming book: Draw Your Own Adventure (with Bigfoot Jones!). He is also a fan of the 3DS.
Image & Form: Steamworld Dig, Steamworld Heist (its so great), and another game in the works. Image and Form is one of the best developers for the Wii U and 3DS.
Circle Entertainment: Circle brings so many great games to the 3DS. We still have Mercenaries Saga 3 to look forward to and Picontier! I’m ready!
And oh so many more! I wish I could name everyone. I’m sorry if I forgot you on this list and hope you’ll forgive the oversight.
I also should give a shout out to Nintendo! For making so many great games and also allowing Adam and me to write reviews/previews/etc of your wonderful games.
Here’s hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving on Thursday. To my friends that are you not in the U.S., I hope you have a great day too. I’m thankful for all of you. You readers too. Thanks so much for reading my More Thoughts column and I hope you’ll look forward to more entries coming soon.
Next week: I have no idea. I might still be recovering from Thanksgiving. I’ll think of something and surely be back here with some kind of nonsense! See you then.
More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I’m so ready for that pumpkin pie!