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More Thoughts From Me #41: Animal Crossing New Leaf Direct Impressions

When the New Leaf update was announced in July, I couldn’t believe it. Literally, I was in doubt that the update was real. I had to see an official tweet from Nintendo of America to convince me that the update was real. New Leaf is almost four years old at this point and I never thought it would ever see an update, definitely not one this big at least. But I was totally wrong. Here are my impressions of the New Leaf Direct. I have also attached a video with my impressions of the actual update…which also came out today!!!


I was so excited about the Animal Crossing New Leaf Nintendo Direct today. I told people on twitter that my hype level was higher than it was for the Nintendo Switch trailer. One person was really surprised by that. But if you follow these columns and my videos, you’ll know that I’m a huge Animal Crossing fan. So I went into this video with an out of control level of hype and…Nintendo did not disappointment me at bit! In fact, they gave me even more than I could have imagined.

First of all, lets talk about how the video was presented. I loved that the Animal Crossing producer dressed up as Harvey (sort of), the new campground dog, and teamed up with “K.K. Slider” to show off some features. I love the campground setting, the new update footage, and the “commercials” ! The whole presentation was fantastic. I loved every second of this Direct.

And far more was revealed in this Direct than I could’ve ever guessed. We got information about the amiibo features, but new non-amiibo things were revealed that none of us predicted! New mini-games?! Secret storage room?! Selling your old town to Tom Nook?! My jaw was on the floor throughout this entire Direct.

The amiibo reveals were just as amazing as the non-amiibo stuff though. We found out who all fifty of the new animals would be! There were a lot of names on there that I recognized and some I didn’t. I’m especially happy that Leopold, Boots, Stella, and Maddie are coming back. I was disappointed that there was no Iggy the goat, but I’ll get over it. Oh and I have to mention the Legend of Zelda ANIMALS. These new animals, which you can only get from Zelda amiibo, are very impressive. I want all of them! Though, Wolf Link and Epona looked the coolest.

In the end, everything about this Nintendo Direct was cool. Of course, the very best announcement was that the update was out today!

And I have some impressions of the update! Check out this video where I babble on about the update. Of course, beware of Spoilers. Don’t watch unless you’ve played the update:

Next week: My dream Nintendo Switch titles! Now that we know what the system is, what Nintendo and third party games do I hope come to the system? You’ll find out next week!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Now I have to get back to the update!




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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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