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Tetris Forever is a Joyful Gem

Tetris Forever is out now. I’ve really been to play it since I have so much nostalgia for the series. Yesterday I got a copy of the game from Xbox and the joy I felt is hard to explain. I’ll try to explain it anyway. Here are my thoughts on Tetris Forever so far.


Tetris Forever tells the story of Tetris, from the creation all the way till now. Its presented in a timeline setup that reminds me a lot of Atari 50’s setup (its designed by the same developer). Its beautiful and so easy to navigate. And as I started exploring it, I was hit with a massive wave of nostalgia and joy.

As I mentioned elsewhere, my Dad loved Tetris. So exploring videos, pictures, and games having to do with the puzzle franchise felt like a hug from my Dad. It was pure joy diving into that history and seeing things I remembered like Tetris on the NES and the Gameboy. My Dad even had the Tegen Tetris game!

Of course there were also unexpected surprises. There are games here that I had never played nor heard of!


I checked out Hatris and right away, I was addicted to it. The NES and Gameboy versions especially shocked me because I had never played them nor seen them before. Hatris is a simple, yet addictive game where you match hats. I loved seeing the one where it shows you landing the hats on heads. That was funny and cute.

Then I checked out a couple of versions of Tetris + Bombliss. I didn’t know anything about Bombliss and loved it as soon as I started playing. Adding bombs to Tetris is a pretty neat idea. I watched the video that told about how the game came about and that was very interesting.

Finally, I checked out the brand-new Tetris Time Warp game from Digital Eclipse. This was my favorite Tetris game in the collection yet. I love the new graphics and it was so cool when the game time warped back to the original computer Tetris for special time attack challenges. By the by, I did check out the recreation of the original Tetris too and thought it was really cool.

There are still a lot videos and other games I haven’t checked out in Tetris Forever yet. I want to play it a bit more and I may do another write up or possibly a review.

Tetris Forever is absolutely wonderful so far. I love it. I know my Dad would’ve gotten this game on his Switch and he’d would’ve played it a lot. I will keep this game on my Xbox forever.

A digital code for Tetris Forever was provided for this article. Tetris Forever is available now.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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