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Small Box Ticket to Ride Games are Phenomenal

My opinion on the small box Ticket to Ride games has been lukewarm for the most part. Although I loved Ticket to Ride Berlin because of the use of both street cars and subway cars, in general I find that I would much rather play a full version of Ticket to Ride. Last week, I headed out on the Disney Dream, one of Disney’s 5 cruise ships, and realized the value of these small boxed Ticket to Ride experiences. They can easily be transportable!



This isn’t the first time we’ve brought board games on a cruise, and it won’t be the last. We shy away from bringing anything with too many pieces, or games that require a long time to play. We love bringing small box experiences like Disney Villainous, Timeline, and various card games. This time around, Ticket to Ride Berlin made the voyage to New York City with us, and I’m glad it did.

Whether you drive like we do, or you fly to your cruise embarkation location, a small boxed game like Ticket to Ride is easy to stuff into the top of a suitcase. The lightweight nature of the game means you aren’t adding anything significant to your bag, and the limited number of pieces and play space required means it can be opened and played almost anywhere.

Whether an evening in the pub, or up on deck enjoying some cheeseburgers, there was always a table available to play this small boxed Ticket to Ride game. Many passers-by were intrigued by the game we were playing, and I’d like to think we sold a few copies of the game that day!

If you are looking for something that easily transports, I highly recommend picking up the small box Ticket to Ride games. They are great fun. They probably won’t ever replaced regular Ticket to Ride on your scheduled game nights, but for taking with places, it’s a great little box!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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