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Paper Mario: Color Splash For Wii U is Out Now

This week we’ve been looking at Paper Mario: Color Splash in the lead up to the game’s launch. Today the game arrives on the Wii U eshop and in retail stores. We provide our plans for our upcoming review coverage below.


Paper Mario: Color Splash is out for the Wii U right now. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about the game on twitter, however I’ve been avoiding reviews because I’ll be writing one of my own starting next week.

Our Paper Mario: Color Splash review will be similar to the recent Yo-Kai Watch 2 review in progress we did, although there will be no videos to go along with the Color Splash coverage.

This is our plan: I will get Color Splash sometime next week, play it for a bit and then start to write a review in progress. The review will most likely start off by focusing on the graphics and initial gameplay of Color Splash. I’m not sure how many parts this review will be, but you shouldn’t expect a part of the review every day like you’ve been seeing with these previews. We do want to give you the most extensive coverage of the new Paper Mario game that we can, so the review in progress may go for several parts.

At the end of the review in progress, we’ll provide a normal review that will give you our definitive take on the game along with a score. I look forward to playing the game and providing you with my thoughts on it!

If you are on the fence about Paper Mario: Color Splash, hopefully my upcoming review in progress and review will help you to decide whether you want the game or not. We hope, in any case, that you’ll look forward to our Paper Mario: Color Splash coverage.

Finally, I’d like to share with you a video that Nintendo UK released today. Its called Paper Mario: Color Splash Outtakes and features….well…outtakes of various videos that Nintendo UK has been doing. I think its a cute and funny little video. Enjoy!



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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