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Nintendo Will Hold A Press Conference for Nintendo Switch In January

Ever since Nintendo released the Nintendo Switch trailer this month, everyone has been wondering when Nintendo would give us even more details about the system. We got word that we wouldn’t hear anything more till next year, but we didn’t know when next year. Now we know that Nintendo will be announcing more details in January!


Yesterday, Nintendo announced that they would hold a press conference about the Nintendo Switch on January 12th. The event will take place in Tokyo and be streamed live on the internet. Nintendo hasn’t done a press conference for any game or system in awhile. The Wii U was announced by a Nintendo Digital Event at E3. Nintendo announcing the Switch via a press conference may mean two things: 1-Nintendo has something big that they feel needs to be shown to the media via press conference. And 2-it may mean that Nintendo is moving away from Nintendo Direct a bit. I wonder if  we’ll see them move back to a press conference at E3…

So what else do we know about the Nintendo Switch press conference? Well, according to a press release from Nintendo, the conference will announce the price and launch date of the system. We will also get a look at games “currently in development” for the Nintendo Switch.

The part about games “currently in development” does worry me a bit. Shouldn’t we be hearing about the launch lineup? Maybe the lineup will be included but will Nintendo have good games at the launch of the system? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Are you excited for the January press conference?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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