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More Thoughts From Me #40: Reader Questions!

I wanted to do something different for this More Thoughts From Me. I decided I wanted to hear what my readers thought and what questions they had for me. So I put the word out for some questions. I didn’t get very many responses at all. Thankfully, though,’s Adam Roffel and a friend of mine, Jess Carder, gave me some questions to answer and so this column isn’t blank or full of made up questions. Let’s see what questions they asked me!

Here is my first question:’s own Adam Roffel asked me on twitter (@AdamRoffel):

“ I know you are not a huge Pokemon fan, but what value do you see in it? “

Pokemon sells really well for Nintendo and the Pokemon Company. The franchise brings people to whatever system its on and its helped the 3DS a lot. I definitely see the value of the franchise being on the 3DS and I wish Nintendo had pushed for a normal Pokemon game on the Wii U. I think it could have helped the Wii U a lot. Hopefully the Nintendo Switch will have an rpg Pokemon game!

I also should note that I find value in Pokemon for its turn-based rpg qualities too. I love that its continues with that tradition and hope that its brings some of those fans to other turn-based rpgs too! I am definitely a huge fan of turn-based rpgs. I just could never get into Pokemon. Believe me, I have tried!

How about another question? This one comes from my friend Jess Carder (@Penguin852). This is a multi-part question. Here’s the first part:

“ With the upcoming Nintendo Switch do you think we’ll see added functionality for Amiibo? “

In the recent Nintendo Switch trailer, we saw amiibo figures on a shelf next to the Switch during the Mario game sequence. Also: Nintendo has said that if a game uses amiibo, the Switch will support it. So amiibo support will definitely be possible with the Nintendo Switch. And you know, Nintendo has a lot of money invested in amiibo, so I don’t think they will give up on it any time soon. Though, I do think they may stay with the same kind of support of the amiibo figures and cards as we have seen so far. Which leads us directly into the next part of the question!

“Do you think they’ll hit more of the same level as other Toys to Life games? Also Predictions on how the new Splatoon will handle? “

I know this isn’t the answer you want to hear, but I don’t think Nintendo will ever do an amiibo game on the same level as Disney Infinity or Lego Dimensions. Nintendo has always done their own thing and rarely do they ever copy exactly what their competitors do. Do I think we need a Nintendo Infinity or Dimensions type of game? Yes, I think Nintendo should do that kind of game. They have all these amiibo figures and it would be wonderful to see them put to a big use in one game. I just don’t think it’ll happen though. Nintendo has their own ideas of what amiibo will be and only they know for sure what that is…

As for Splatoon, if the new Splatoon comes at the Switch’s launch, I think it’ll just be a port of the Wii U game with a few new things like the hair and pants options that were hinted at in the Nintendo Switch trailer. But if Nintendo takes their time with the next Splatoon game, we may get something more special.

I think that the multiplayer in Splatoon is really great, not much needs to be improved there, though more customization options are very welcome. I’d love to see new maps and modes too. Above all though, I want the single player and local multiplayer in Splatoon 2 to be better. I thought the story mode in Splatoon Wii U wasn’t that good and of course the local multiplayer was just way too complicated. The trailer for the Nintendo Switch hinted that local multiplayer might be better with the next Splatoon. Let’s hope so.

Splatoon is a great game. I think it can be an even better one on the Switch. But as I noted, if the game comes at launch, I doubt it’ll be little more than a port with a few extra options. Some people will be ok with a port. Personally, I already bought Splatoon, so I’d be likely to skip a port of the Wii U game. Though playing Splatoon anywhere at anytime is awfully tempting. Still I think Nintendo can and should do better than a port of the Wii U game. I hope we don’t see too many Wii U ports on the Nintendo Switch…

And that’s it for my questions! Thanks to Adam and Jess for the questions! What do you think of these questions? How would you answer them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Next week: More Thoughts From Me will be a little late next week. I want to cover the New Leaf update direct in next week’s More Thoughts. That direct takes place on November 2nd. So my More Thoughts will likely appear on November 3rd. Only the Japan New Leaf Direct is confirmed for November 2nd at the moment. We don’t know if the American one will be on the 2nd too. If the American one is on the second, I’ll talk about that one. If not, I’ll talk about the Japanese one. In any case, expect a New Leaf Direct focused More Thoughts next week!

More Thoughts From Me is a opinion column. The answers provided here were mine and mine alone. Let me know if you want to see this type of column again!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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