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How to Earn Cash Prizes and Gift Cards by Playing Mobile Games: A Comprehensive Guide

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about playing games on your mobile device? The odds are you probably aren’t thinking about money.


Well, it’s about time you change that because there are actually hundreds of mobile games that elevate your gaming by introducing a monetary incentive. Yes, you read that right– you can get paid legit cash prizes by mastering some of your favourite games!

From gaming genres like bingo, bubble-shooter, and card games to puzzles, there are mobile games for everyone that pay cash prizes and gift cards.

What is Real Money Gaming? 

Real money gaming apps offer money-earning opportunities all from the comfort of your mobile device. If you are new to playing games for legit money prizes, there are a couple of things you should take note of before getting started!

Who Can Play Real Money Games? 

If you are ready to start playing games for cash prizes and gift cards, you must be at least 18 years old.

Since these games have an element of gambling, a few main states don’t allow real money gaming apps. These states include AR, CT, DE, LA, and SD, and cash games, including cards unavailable in ME and IN.

How Do Real Money Games Work? 

For the most part, if you are trying to play games for cash prizes and gift cards, you will be required to enter tournaments with entry fees to compete for a prize pool.

These entry fees help make up the prize pool, meaning that if you don’t rank among the top three players in a tournament or beat your competition, you will lose the money you deposited into the app. The risk factor of tournament-style games adds a fun and competitive element to your gameplay experience; however, they may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

Fortunately, there are apps that are free of risk, otherwise known as rewarded play apps. Rewarded play apps are 100% free, and they pay you by testing apps, playing games, and leaving your honest reviews.

How Much Money Can You Make Playing Mobile Games? 

Playing mobile games for cash prizes and gift cards might be a legit side hustle, but keeping your money-earning potential realistic is important. Ultimately, these apps aren’t designed to replace your day job. Instead, they offer an excellent way to profit from your gaming.

On average, newer players can expect to make anywhere from $1 to $25 per game they win. However, if you stay consistent and prioritize practising your strategy, you can win up to $2,500 by playing games like bingo.


Although, it should be noted that the higher the cash prize pool is, the more the prize pool will be, making the game even more competitive.

It’s recommended to start off by entering smaller tournaments and competitions for an increased shot of winning the prize pool. Then, as you continue to practice and win, you can slowly start to participate in more risky games.

Are Real Money Games Legit? 

Yes, countless real-money gaming apps offer legit cash prizes that are worth your time. However, there are a few games out there that are scams, so you should be careful.

For a complete list of legit games approved by Real Money Gamer, a leading website for mobile games, check out their article on the Best Games That Pay Real Money.

The games highlighted throughout that article are a great starting place for those new to the world of real-money gaming. Not only are all of the mobile apps legit, but they also boost fun gameplay and light-hearted competition.

Real Money Games: Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to earn real money or gift cards to some of your favourite stores and companies, you might want to consider playing games for real money prizes.

Start adding extra padding to your wallet without ever getting off your couch! Thanks to games like the ones covered in Real Money Gamer, you can start making money by doing something you already enjoy.

It’s finally time to turn your gaming habit into a profitable side hustle perfect for any skill level. What are you waiting for? There are so many recommended games ready to cut you in on the deal, and start paying you legit cash prizes and gift cards today!


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blank Software Developer,Admin,Gamer,Gambling Expert and recently a happy parent :) so generally busy...

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