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13AM Game’s Pirate Pop Plus Will Be Coming to the Wii U/New 3DS This Month

13AM Games is the creator of RUNBOW. Let me repeat that: 13AM Games created RUNBOW!! I guess you can probably tell that I really like Runbow. It was fun game. And 13AM Games has another game thats going to be coming to the Wii U and the New 3DS! The game is called Pirate Pop Plus! It will be coming to those systems this month. We have the release date, a trailer, plus my impressions of the game below.


Pirate Pop Plus will be coming to the Wii U and New 3DS on October 20th! The game will cost $4.99 and when you buy one of the games, you’ll get the other one free. You gotta love cross-buy right?!

Check out the trailer for Pirate Pop Plus and stick around for my thoughts on the game:

Pirate Pop Plus is a retro arcade style game. The initial color tone in the trailer makes it look like a Gameboy game! The gameplay looks pretty simple, but it could also be very addictive. It looks like there are other color tones, characters, and more to unlock! In some ways this is a different sort of game than Runbow. You just have one area to play around with, unlike Runbow where you have many, and of course this is a single player game only. That said, like Runbow, Pirate Pop Plus has characters to unlock and scores to beat! 3AM may just have another really fun, addictive game on their hands.

Will you be picking up Pirate Pop Plus on October 2oth? Which version of the game do you want the most: Wii U or New 3DS? Let us know what you think about this game in the comments!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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