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The Upcoming Animal Crossing New Leaf Update Will Erase Weeds For Lapsed Players

You haven’t played your New Leaf town in awhile right? Shame on you! And you seem to be worried about weeds too. Well, when the New Leaf update comes this fall, you won’t have to worry. The update has a weed solution!


The Animal Crossing UK twitter had a surprising revelation about the upcoming New Leaf update today. Its a small reveal, but there will be some lapsed players that’ll be happy about this one. The fall New Leaf update will take care of any weeds you have in your town. So, when you go into play, your town will be weed free.

As a long time Animal Crossing player, I have two thoughts on this reveal. The first is that this is a good thing. There are many players who use “my town will be full of weeds” as an excuse for not checking their town after a long time. With the update, they won’t be able to use that excuse!

My other thought is that this is a bit of a cheat and a bit unfair to those who have kept playing all these years. Yes, I know there are probably more lapsed Animal Crossing New Leaf players than continuing ones! But for those who have hung around and have done the hard work, this part of the update is not really fair…

I prefer, though, to think about how many people this part of the update will bring back though. I think the good of this weed short cut far out weighs the bad! That said, I wonder if this update will make sure no animal has left your town while you were gone too. “I don’t want to check my town because all my favorite animals will be gone.” is another excuse lapsed players make…

What do you think of this weed pulling part of the update? Will it make you go back to New Leaf or have you been playing since the start? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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