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Severed – Tips and Tricks (Video)

Yesterday, Drink Box Studio’s new game Severed came out for the Wii U. The game will also be coming soon to the 3DS! Nintendo of America also released a Tips and Tricks video for the game yesterday too. We have information on the game and the video below!


Severed, a new game from Drink Box Studio’s, is currently available on the Wii U. This is how Nintendo describes the game on youtube:

” In DrinkBox Studio’s game Severed, you take control of a one-armed heroine named Sasha, wielding a living sword on her journey through a nightmare world in search of her family. Swipe-based touch controls will let you solve puzzles, find secrets, and do battle with a host of disturbing monsters. As the journey goes on, you’ll unlock new abilities, ascend an RPG-style upgrade tree, and tease apart the mysteries of the dark fantasy universe Sasha finds herself in. ”

And here is the “Tips and Tricks” video that Nintendo released yesterday:

Severed looks like a very unique “rpg-style” game! I like that is using the gamepad a lot. And the upgrade system is one of the most creative (and bizarre) things I’ve ever seen! I haven’t played this game, so I have no idea if its any good. But I think there will be a lot of people who will be interested in Severed!

Have you played Severed? What do you think of it? Let us know your Severed thoughts in the comments!



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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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