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No Straight Roads Review

No Straight Roads for the Nintendo Switch is a rhythm game. Kind of. And it has a story about a band trying to bring rock’n’roll back in an electronic music world. Its an odd game and sometimes odd games are the best games. Is that true for No Straight Roads or does this game miss the beat?


In No Straight Roads, you join a rock’n’roll band thats trying to survive in an electronic music world. The world literally is run by electronic music and revolves around it. Its an interesting concept and the game’s dialogue is a mix of neat and corny. There is a unique charm to the game’s story and characters.

It also has pretty good 2D/3D graphics. The artstyle is a bit like a comic book and the conversation character artwork sells that even more. Its a very cool artstyle.

The voice acting is not bad either. And the game’s music is pretty good.

However, No Straight Road’s actual gameplay isn’t that great. The rhythm part of the game is a bit awkward and doesn’t really work. Basically you find yourself trying to dodge stuff at the right time. You have two characters you can switch between and that works alright. There is multiplayer but I wasn’t able to try it out for this review. Worst of all though, the game is very unforgiving.

No Straight Roads autosaves but it doesn’t autosave enough. Sometimes you’ll have completed a part of a boss fight and the boss fight will just drag on and on and then you die and have to repeat the whole level over!
Checkpoints are important, especially in long drawn out battles.

No Straight Roads gameplay just isn’t very compelling or fair. It doesn’t live up to its unique concept, good graphics, or cool sound. There are elements of No Straight Roads that are good but the key ingredient, the gameplay, just doesn’t stick to the beat.

If you are a big rhythm and/or music fan, No Straight Roads might be worth a look as long as you don’t go in with major expectations. Everyone else should pick a different song.

No Straight Roads gets a 6.5 out of 10

A digital code was provided for this review. No Straight Roads is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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