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Nintendo Direct Announced For Tomorrow (9/6)

Nintendo of America announced a Direct for tomorrow via twitter. We have the details below and my predications/hopes on what we might see and what we probably won’t see.

A 35 minute long Nintendo Direct is a pretty big deal. The Direct will cover 3DS and Nintendo Switch games. Switch is likely to get the most attention during the Direct, though I have to say I’m just as excited to see what they show for 3DS!

I have both a Switch and 3DS. I love both systems. I want to see games come out for each of them.

What do I think we’ll see?

Here are my predications. Keep in mind that I’m usually wrong about these things…

I think we’ll see three or four third party games announced for 2018/2019. Bethesda and Square Enix are the obvious choices for announcements. We got a rumor recently of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition coming to the Playstation 4. I think it’ll get announced tomorrow for the Nintendo Switch.

I also hope that Square will announce a Final Fantasy (retro) collection or two.

As for Bethesda, I’m still hoping that they’ll announce Fallout 3 for the Switch. We did get an introduction to Fallout via the free-to-play Fallout Shelter. Its time for a full Fallout game on Switch! Skyrim was amazing. Fallout 3 would be too.

What about other announcements? What else will we see?

I think a new 2D Mario game might be announced for the 3DS. Maybe for the Switch too. It might be a double release. I’m not so sure about a Zelda 3DS like many are hoping for. Who knows though! I do think there will be surprise 3DS games.

There may be another trailer for Fire Emblem Three Houses and maybe we’ll get a Yoshi Switch release date.

We should get an announcement for Dark Souls on the Switch and maybe the Beta will come out tomorrow too.

Things I don’t think we’ll see:

I know many are hoping the Switch online will get talked about and a release date will be given. It seems like a predictable announcement but I’m going to say that Nintendo won’t do it tomorrow. They’ll either announce the online in its own video or just have a press release! Watch me be wrong about this!

And I wish so much that they’d show Dragon Quest 11 for the 3DS and Switch tomorrow. I just don’t think it’ll happen. I’d love for the 3DS verison to come out later this year/early next year and for the Switch one to come out later next year.

I think we’ll get the Switch version later next year but it won’t be shown at this Direct. The west will continue to not get the 3DS version even though it seems like a no brainer release…

Oh and as much as I would wish it, I don’t think we’ll see anything Animal Crossing Switch related.

Thats all for my predictations. I think I’ll be wrong about most of this. I really want to be wrong about the Switch online not being shown and no Dragon Quest 11 or Animal Crossing stuff .

Well, thats my thoughts! What are yours? What do you hope Nintendo will show tomorrow?

Btw, if the Nintendo Direct is as awesome as I think it will be, I will do a special More Thoughts From Me tomorrow. If its total let down, I will probably go play a video game instead.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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