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More Thoughts From Me #237: A Playable Monster Cartoon

Its been awhile since I last played Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. I admit I forgotten that I even played it till now. I tried the demo again, loved it and since it was on sale and I had the Playstation 4 credit, I decided to pick the game up. And its an absolutely wonderful cartoon…I mean game!


Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is like a playable cartoon. The graphics are very animated cartoon like and absolutely wonderful.

When I say that Monster Boy looks like a cartoon, I mean it looks like a classic beautifully drawn cartoon. Its not like some of the cartoons you see now: all CGI or in the case of some TV cartoons, just plain ugly animation.

Monster Boy is a treat visually and its gameplay is very good too!

At its heart, Monster Boy is a action platformer but theres plenty of adventure, Metroidvania, and rpg in its genes. I found myself backtracking, collecting items, and sometimes equipping stuff. Monster Boy is a fun game, though there is some challenge to be had too.

The boss battles in Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom are not easy. In fact, they seem like that keep getting harder. There are also some challenges outside of battle too, such as puzzles to solve or piles of enemies to defeat. And I haven’t seen all that the game has to offer!

I have not completed Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom yet. The main character gets transformed into a pig and other things but so far, I’ve only seen the pig in the full game. Though I did play the frog when I replayed the demo!

I’m looking forward to playing more of the game on the Playstation 4. Monster Boy looks awesome and plays awesome. I’m so glad I finally picked the game up!

Have you played Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom? What do you think of it?

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. I can’t wait to see the other animals the main characters turns into!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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