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Legend of the Skyfish

There are a lot of games that want to be The Legend of Zelda. Some of these Zelda clones are good and some of them are bad. Legend of the Skyfish for the Nintendo Switch isn’t exactly a Zelda clone but some of its gameplay is similar to the classic 2D Zelda games. How is Legend of the Skyfish? Is it a game worth playing? Check out my review of Legend of the Skyfish for the Nintendo Switch!


Legend of the Skyfish isn’t a Legend of Zelda game nor is it really a clone of Zelda. Its gameplay is Zelda-like but the game has some unique differences.

First of all, the areas you explore are much smaller than what you’d find in a Zelda game. Skyfish is set on islands, smaller than Wind Waker, and you travel to each via a “world map”. Legend of the Skyfish is not an open world game. Your path is set and you have no control over it. Think Super Mario Bros style maps.

Second of all, the main character has a fishing rod as a weapon. The rod will let you attack enemies but it can also be used to reach far off areas, solve puzzles, and pull enemies toward you. Its a very handy weapon. The player can also find new fishing rods and other things.

Legend of the Skyfish is a very linear, straightforward game. Its gameplay is really fun though. I love the fishing rod and what you can do with it. Legend of the Skyfish is the perfect game for short bursts of fun. The game auto-saves at the end of each island, though there are checkpoints on longer islands.

Control wise, Legend of the Skyfish works very well. It does take some getting use to using two buttons for aiming the fishing rod, but once you get the hand of it, you’ll have fun. Skyfish really doesn’t take advantage of the Nintendo Switch in any way. Its graphics are very good though. And its worth checking out!

Legend of the Skyfish won’t be replacing Legend of Zelda any time soon but its a fun game that its perfect for pick up and play sessions. If you are a Zelda fan or just a fan of action/adventures, then you should check out Legend of the Skyfish.

Legend of the Skyfish gets a 8.0 out of 10.

Thanks to Ratalaika Games for providing a digital code for this review. Legend of the Skyfish is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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