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Futuridium EP Deluxe Review

Futuridium EP Deluxe

Release: September 8, 2016
Publisher: Playism
Developer: Playism
Genre: Action, Articles, Genres, Indie, Nintendo 3DS Categories, Nintendo 3DS News, Nintendo 3DS Reviews, Shooter


Excellent About Rating
9.0 - Gameplay
9.0 - Video
9.0 - Audio

There are not very many New 3DS exclusive games, so when a new one comes along, its definitely a time to celebrate for New 3DS owners. I happen to own a New 3DS and I was very happy to hear of a new game for the system. I received a review code for this New 3DS game, Futuridium EP Deluxe, and dug in. Is Futuridium worthy of the New 3DS?

Futuridium doesn’t have much of a story. There is a section to check out what the story is about, but the story doesn’t really matter to the gameplay. The story is a very tacked on element. Thankfully, the gameplay makes up for this.


If your looking for a fast paced 3D shooter on the New 3DS, you should look no further than Futuridium EP Deluxe. The game has a lot of levels, multiple modes, and above all else, fun gameplay. Is it perfect? No, there could be a little more variety in what you do in the game. You basically do the same thing over and over. This is an arcade style shooter too! Basically that means that if you die and get a game over, you’ll find yourself back at the beginning of the game. That’s very harsh, but what else do you expect from an arcade shooter? Still the game is fun and you will unlock new modes, skins, and other things as you play the game. Futuridium also has very good controls!

Shooting, flying and everything else in Futuridium works really well. The game is fast and precise controls are important. The game pulls that off and blasting though levels is more about skill than worrying about a button not working. As for New 3DS specific features, there isn’t a lot of them. The 3D is great (see graphics) and the nub on the 3DS is used for changing the music (love it). The 3DS’s second screen is used for stats, but not much else. Some kind of touch screen interaction with the second screen would’ve been nice, but then again, it might have just been gimmicky.

Its obvious that because of how fast paced the game is, it could not have been on the regular 3DS. The graphics, especially the 3D, is another reason the game would not have worked on the regular 3DS.


Futuridium EP Deluxe has very good graphics and they are made even better by the game’s 3D effect. As I mentioned in my recent preview, there is no way that the regular 3DS could’ve handled this game. The graphics are more like Wii U graphics, but not only that, the 3D effect is bolder and better than anything we’ve seen on the regular 3DS. This is a very good looking game.

I also think that the game’s soundtrack is pretty good. Not everyone will like the game’s techno beat, though personally I enjoyed it. The music fits the game well. The game’s sound effects are alright, but nothing special. Futuridium, overall, is a great game and New 3DS owners shouldn’t pass it by.


Futuridium EP Deluxe is a great game. The wonderful graphics and fun, fast paced gameplay fit the New 3DS very well. The game looks especially good in 3D! I also really liked the game’s music. I do think the game could have used a bit more variety in the things you do and I wish it had used the New 3DS features a bit more. And as far as the story goes, you don’t expect a shooter to even have one. Still, it would’ve been nice to see a better one. In the end, though, Futuridium EP Deluxe is a fun game that definitely belongs on the New 3DS. If you have the system, you should buy this game! You won’t regret it and you’ll have a bunch of fun.

Thank you to Mixed Bag Games for the review copy of this game. Futuridium EP Deluxe is now available for the 3DS eshop. It is a New 3DS download only.


  • Fantastic 3D
  •  Fun gameplay
  • Outstanding visuals
  • Beautiful soundtrack


  • Bad story
  • Needs more variety
  • Very few 3DS features


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    blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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