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Funko Fusion Frustration

I love Lego games. I love Funko POPs. When I saw Funko Fusion, a video game with POPs at the forefront, I had to play it. I was lucky enough to get a copy of it thanks to Games Reviews and Xbox. So what do I think of it? Here are my thoughts so far. Spoiler Warning!


Funko Fusion is a game that takes different franchises: from Jurassic World, Hot Fuzz, He-man, Scott Pilgrim, Umbrella Academy, and more and fuses them into one game where the characters are all POPs. It looks like something someone who loves LEGO games, especially Lego Dimensions, would love.

And initially, that would be correct. The gameplay seems fun, the graphics are really nice, and the levels are neat. It has a wide variety of franchises that are sure to appeal to gamers. Funko Fusion should be awesome.

Then enemy after enemy starts running at you, killing you over and over. The first level of the He-Man, for instance, sends wave after wave of enemies at you almost right as you step out into the level. I wonder if I’ll ever beat that level.

You also run around levels and are not always sure what you should do. Yes, you can look online for help, which is what I’ve done, but that doesn’t help with the near constant assault by enemies as you’re trying to figure out what to do. Sometimes its not too bad, you might get one moment to breath, then the enemies won’t stop coming and you’re lucky if you can finish a level. I somehow finished all the Jurassic World levels. I’m not sure how I did it; that last level was tough! Wave after wave enemies ran after me, with snipers on the roof shooting at me as I ran after a giant dinosaur I was trying to defeat. sigh

Funko Fusion is frustrating. It looks adorable but the level difficulty is too hard. Fans of Lego games, which are usually easy, will not like how difficult Funko Fusion is. There should be an easy mode where there are not as many enemies and you focus on the story and puzzles. A little more direction with the puzzles would be nice too.

That said, aside from the difficulty with enemies and sometimes puzzles, Funko Fusion is a cool game. I love its humor and charm. I love how many unique franchises are present. I hope I can get further in the game somehow so I can unlock more worlds and characters!

I want to keep playing Funko Fusion. I really do. Though I honestly would not be surprised if I throw my hands up soon and go play something else. I just hope I don’t throw my controller across the room…

A digital code was provided. Funko Fusion is available on Xbox Series X/S now.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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