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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Review-in-progress Part 1

Earlier this week, I provided my first impressions of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD for Nintendo Switch. I have continued to the play the game and wanted to provide some more thoughts. For part 1 of this review-in-progress, I wanted to talk about the game’s story a bit more. Am I still enjoying it?


I really like Final Fantasy 15 Pockete Edition HD so far. There is a lot to like about the game. And one of my favorite things about it is its story.

Final Fantasy 15 is set in a world ruled by two empires. One of the empires attacks the other empire and kills their king. In the middle of all this is Prince Noctis and his buddies/bodyguards. They start out on a road trip to see Noctis bride to be and end up having to go find some mysterious weapons that will level the prince (now King) up and in the end, hopefully, put a stop to the evil empire.

The story is presented in Chapters. It is very easy to play one chapter, beat it, then take a break and come back to the game later. I often find myself playing multiple chapters at a time!

Each chapter has been enjoyable for the most part and taken the main characters to some pretty exciting places. My favorite, so far, is the Chocobo Post! There were a ton of Chocobo’s there and the main characters reaction to them was as joyful as any Final Fantasy fans would be if they saw the creatures in real life.

The Prince and his buddies are wonderful characters. I enjoy their dialogue and the back and forth conversations they have. There is a bit of repeating dialogue, maybe more than I’d like, but its really fun hearing them talk. You believe that the Prince and his companions are best friends. Their relationship is a refreshing change of pace from other FF games where your party members are meeting for the first time.

I do find the story confusing at times though. The characters in the game will occasionally make reference to things that I just scratch my head over. Did I miss something? Was there a piece of dialogue or a scene I wasn’t paying attention to?

Also, I have noticed that Pocket will sometimes have characters talking about going somewhere and in the next scene, they’ll be there. I’d prefer walking, riding or driving to many of these places (you do some of that), instead of these shortcuts that the story takes.

Final Fantasy 15’s story isn’t perfect. There will be some people who focus more on its faults (confusing dialogue, shortcutting story bits) and not even mention its wonderful aspects (friendship, exciting places to visit, Chocobos, and more).

I’m having a great time with this title. I can’t wait to see where FF15’s story takes the main protagonists next!

Next week: In part 2 of my review-in-progress, I’ll focus on FF15 Pocket’s gameplay, especially its battle system. What’s good about it? What’s bad?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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