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Circle Entertainment Announced New RPG/Sim Picontier At The Tokyo Game Show

Circle Entertainment brings some of the best rpgs to the 3DS. From Fairune to Ash, I’ve enjoyed the rpgs that they’ve brought to the system! And during this week’s Tokyo Game Show, they revealed what could be their most exciting 3DS game yet! Picontier is described as a “slow living miniscape rpg.” We have more details about the game below!


Picontier has been announced for the 3DS. Skipmore will develop the title, with FlyHigh Works involved and Circle Entertainment publishing! The game is being called a “slow living miniscape rpg.” Basically, the game is an rpg/sim!

Here’s what Circle said about the title on their twitter feed:

” Picontier will be a large game than Fairune, we will keep update new contents. U can farming, crafting, fishing & exploring whatever u like.”

The game looks to have Earthbound-like graphics! I’m liking the graphics a lot and I am a big fan of the whole farm, craft, fish, explore, and fight thing. This game is definitely going to be on my radar and I can’t wait to play it!

Picontier will be coming to the West and be on 3DS, PS4, and PC.

What do you think of Picontier? Let us know in the comments!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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