Bam Box August 2016 – Crazy!
Bam Box has been one of the better subscription box services, but I’ve always felt – and this has been echoed by others – that at some point, the company was going to get too big, too fast with all their signed prints and exclusive items. They haven’t reached that point yet; this months box did seem like the precursor to something not quite as good. Here is what we thought.

You can get your own BamBox at! Unfortunately, our camera is in the shop for repairs, so this months pictures have been taken from! For more unboxings and reviews – including different opinions on some of the boxes we have used – go check them out!

Anytime we get a mask in a subscription box, I need to assume that they hope there is a cosplayer or two out there that might actually make use of the item. Or, since being released in August, that someone might be able to use it in a Halloween costume.
If those two thoughts did not cross the minds of the people putting this together, then I question why this item was even included. That goes for this next one as well…
Box with a Head
Listen, I do understand that this is more than just a box and a head, and for those in the know – not to be ruined here if you haven’t seen it – it actually is a pretty funny item. Which is why I don’t have a problem with it; others, however, are going to wonder who at BamBox spent their afternoon slashing the heads off of Barbies!

If you haven’t read the Killing Joke graphic novel, or seen the movie, it is something you should definitely think about doing. I loved both, and although this is only a 2 song EP record that will likely never get used, it’s actually something I might frame up with all my other collectible records. This one might find a place of honour next to my HALO collection!

This months box also came with a great pin, and a Harley Quinn comic book, which overall added little – but still something – to a somewhat mediocre box. Had BamBox replaced the surprise box and mask with some other type of item, I’d say we are looking at a good 8.5/10 this month. With the current contents, we give this months BamBox a respectable 7.5/10.
Despite our views this month, we still highly recommend a BamBox subscription!