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Antstream Arcade Impressions

Antstream Arcade is a retro gaming platform that offers a vast library of classic games. It’s essentially a Netflix for retro gaming, allowing you to stream hundreds of titles from various consoles and arcades. On the PS5, Antstream presents a compelling proposition for those seeking a nostalgic gaming experience.



  • Massive Library: With over 1,300 games available, Antstream caters to a wide range of tastes. From arcade classics to console favorites, there’s something for everyone.
  • Streaming Convenience: The streaming model eliminates the need for physical discs or downloads, making it easy to jump into a game at any time.
  • Online Multiplayer: Antstream offers online multiplayer features, allowing you to compete against other players in classic games.
  • Regular Updates: The platform receives regular updates with new games added, ensuring a constantly evolving library.


  • Performance Issues: While Antstream generally performs well, some games may experience lag or frame rate drops, depending on your internet connection.
  • Subscription Model: Antstream operates on a subscription model, which may not suit everyone, especially those who only want to play a few games occasionally.


Antstream Arcade on PS5 is a solid offering for retro gaming enthusiasts. Its vast library and streaming convenience make it a tempting proposition. However, performance issues and limited customization can be drawbacks for some. If you’re a fan of classic games and have a reliable internet connection, Antstream is definitely worth considering, even if just for a couple of months. I had a lot of fun reliving the old days!


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blank Kevin Austin has been in gaming journalism in one way or another since the launch of the Nintendo Gamecube. Married and father of 3 children he has been gaming since the ripe age of 6 when he got his first NES system and over 30 years later he is still gaming almost daily. Kevin is also co-founder of the Play Some Video Games (PSVG) Podcast network which was founded over five years ago and is still going strong. Some of his favorite gaming series includes Fallout and Far Cry, he is a sucker for single player adventure games (hence his big reviews for Playstation), and can frequently be found getting down in one battle royale or another. If it's an oddball game, odds are he's all about it.

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