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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Review-in-progress part 3

In our final review-in-progress of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, we talk about the game’s story and some of the most recent gameplay we’ve encountered. Spoiler Warning, just in case. Stay tuned for our full review of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 next week!


Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s story is pretty interesting so far. Its different from the other games but still feels very much like a Xenoblade game. The characters and the world feel similar to what we’ve seen in the previous two games. That said, the story remains unconnected to the other games so far.

There is a lot to digest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s story. There are many cutscenes, perhaps sometimes too many, and lots of flashbacks detailing the lives of the characters before the main story. And there are a lot of characters in this game, including the main cast. Each of the cast has their own unique personality and background. The game has found time to focus on most of the cast. We have a feeling that those who haven’t been focused on yet will eventually have their time in the spotlight.

It is a big, complicated story, though definitely no more complicated than your average jrpg. The game’s story and dialogue are well written. We wish there was a little less cutscenes and dialogue but overall, we’re enjoying the story so far. The best part of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is the gameplay though.


As mentioned in a previous review-in-progress, Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s world vast and huge. The exploration is pretty amazing and has gotten even more so with a new Transversal option unlocked. This option lets you reach areas you couldn’t reach before. Its pretty cool. It looks like there are other transversal options to be unlocked too. We can’t wait to see what those are.

Also, recently, there was a mission that took us into a tunnel and deep underground which was cool. It reminded us of a mission from Final Fantasy 15! Maybe a bit of Diablo too. No more spoilers on that but hopefully there are even more surprising areas to explore in this game.

Another fun thing that we keep encountering are Hero characters that you can switch in and out to help you. Each of these characters bring with them new jobs that your main cast can learn! The job system in this game continues to be excellent.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s gameplay is a lot of fun. Overall, the game is really good and fans of the previous games will not want to miss it.

We’ll have our full review of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 next week!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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