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Virtual Cats Are Cool Too: A Look at Stray for Xbox Series

Stray had previously been out on the PlayStation 5. We liked the look of it and wished it was on the Xbox Series also. And now it is! Here is our preview of Stray on Xbox Series.


I always thought Stray looked cool but it was on the PlayStation 5 so I tried not think about it too much. Now its on the Xbox Series and I’m getting to review it. My review isn’t ready yet, but I thought I’d talk about what I’ve played of the game so far.

In Stray, you play as a cat in the future. Humans are gone and only cats and other robots are around now. The cat you control is a orange tabby and he’s pretty cool. I’ve always loved cats, especially tabbys. My first cat was a orange tabby. So yes, I feel nostalgic while playing this game. I love that the Stray cat actually acts like a regular cat at times: you scratch rugs, walls, jump up on things and knock them over, drink water, and there’s even a button you can press to meow. The cat even can put his head into a paper bag. I haven’t seen him jump into a box yet though.

That said, the cat isn’t completely a typical cat. At one point, he solves a puzzle in the game. So yes, a little bit smarter than the normal cat! Oh and he has robot helper!

When you get the robot helper, you have access to a menu with items and can also have the robot translate stuff (on the wall and from the robots), has a flashlight, and gives you advice. He’s pretty handy and changes the game up a little bit.


The exploration in the game is pretty neat overall. It is easy to get lost sometimes, theres no map in this game and you get into a pretty big area at one point, but the game remains fun and interesting. There’s no combat. The game is more of an adventure game than an action game.

Stray is another fun addition to the Xbox Series. If you are looking for something different to play, you can do a lot worse than Stray. Its especially helpful, though, if you are a cat fan.

Stay tuned for my full review for Stray on Xbox coming next week to!

A digital code was provided to us. Stray is available now for the Xbox Series X/S.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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