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The Best Fortnite Tracker Sites to Check your Skills

Since the inception of Fortnite, players have been waiting for an official way to keep on track with their Fortnite stats.

Whilst we wait for Epic Games to introduce such a feature, we have a host of Fortnite tracker websites that we can use in the meantime. Some are admittedly better than others, and some will cater to your needs better depending on what mode you play. With that being said, we are going to first take a look at one of the most popular and useful Fortnite tracker websites that are available to you.


Fortnite Tracker Network 

The Tracker Network is widely recognized by players of online shooting titles. With the likes of Division 2, PUBG, and Destiny 2 also being a part of the network, you can see why it is a well-known source for keeping up to date with the latest tracking sites. The Fortnite side of tings has a number of neat features for you to use and even comes with its own rating system.

This site shows you your stats for each mode for every season so you can keep a close eye on whether or not you are improving. It uses trends and graphs to give you a better outlook on your progress. You can also track individual matches as long as you have the Fortnite tracker open when you are playing, so make sure that you do so. This will allow you to see which games you have gotten the highest kills and how long your longest killstreak was.

Fortnite Scout

The Fortnite Scout may not be quite as intuitive as the Fortnite Tracker Network, but it is still a great site to use. It uses detailed charts for you to keep an eye on your history and tracks your improvement over time. You can also use it to see the world rankings, which provides a variety of stats. This includes leaderboards based on which game mode they have played from Solo to Duo and Squad. You can see whether they used a gamepad, touch, or keyboard and mouse too.


If you want to keep up with the latest news on Fortnite, then there is also a news section to check out on this website. It may not have as many of the community or ranking features that Tracker Network has, but id strongly recommends the site for any other needs.

Storm Shield

Shifting gears away from the Battel Royale part of the Fortnite franchise, Storm Shield is a great source for the Save The World part of the game. You are able to see what missions are available in detail, plus which storms and schematics there are. There is a section in which you can see the heroes that have been unlocked, plus your progress in certain areas and much more.

As for its Battle Royale input, this side is rather basic. It is still a great tool for you to use, and you could argue that it is one of the easier sites for you to use. But it doesn’t have as much to offer as far as the likes of Fortnite Tracker Network are concerned.

Which Fortnite Tracker you use is completely down to your personal preference. There are some that can fully immerse you into the Fortnite community, or there are more simplistic options that will help you on your way to getting the most out of learning your Fortnite stats. Whichever you decide to use, you are bound to have something to help you up to your game in the popular Battle Royale game that continues to take the world by storm.

Have you tried any of these sites? Let us know in the comments section below!


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