Are Subscription Boxes Worth It?
For a few months now, we have been unboxing and reviewing a good number of subscription boxes from multiple companies. For the most part, we have been enjoying them, but the question always gets asked: are subscription boxes worth the money? Answering that is pretty tough, depending largely on who you are and how broad your likes are.

For full disclosure before going further, all the subscription boxes we review are provided to us free of charge from multiple companies. Links within this article are generally affiliate links and generate revenue for the site.
Not A Useless Rant
Far too often, I see videos on YouTube with headings like, “LOOT CRATE IS A RIP OFF” or “I’M NEVER BUYING NERD BLOCK AGAIN.” For those that are not aware, we call these ‘click bait’ links, links that entice you to click on them when the content within is pretty useless or bad. Generally, these videos are just bad as the person ranting come at if from a single perspective – their own.
What follows here is a well thought out response to the question of whether or not subscription boxes are worth it, but upon completion, the decision is up to you.
Assessing Financial Value
This biggest issue most ‘value’ subscribers find with their boxes month to month is the actual financial value of the items they are receiving. There is nothing wrong with this approach to looking at boxes, and many reviewers – such as Nerdy Newb, who’s videos I watch all the time – use this method to determine the value of a box. This works sometimes, but not often enough to make it worth it. Since I don’t review things this way, I can only look to others.
Nerdy Newb always assesses the market value of the items she receives in her boxes. A box that costs more than the value inside is deemed bad, a box with equal value is considered ‘not great.’ and a box worth 5 – 15$ more than the actual purchase price range from good to amazing. She sets ‘standard’ values for specific items – tshirts, for example, are roughly 10$, while vinyl figures are generally 7-8$.
This format works if you are looking for value over what’s actually included. It also works if you don’t consider there to be any value in the randomness of each months items. Let me explain.
Assessing an ‘Experience’ Value
Whether I was paying for the boxes I open or not – I still pay for an Arcade Block subscription for the record – part of the cost goes to the mysterious nature of each box, and there is value in that for me. I liken unboxing a subscription box to buying a handful of scratch tickets at the local store – The 3$ bingo card you buy probably won’t net you profit in most cases, but there is value in ‘playing the game’ and the excitement behind potentially having a winner. Their is a justification for that purchase, and it’s not that crazy to argue by it.
The same goes for subscription boxes. Sure, I love having equal or better value in the box than what my purchase price was, but there is value in the excitement of opening that box for the first time and seeing what is inside. If I am assessing value, this factors in, at least a little bit.
Arguing About Content
Nobody wants to open a box and dump out dollar store quality items, and I firmly believe there is no defending subscription box companies when they do this. However, I generally enjoy the items I receive each month, regardless of my personal franchise likes and dislikes. Having an appreciation for iconic franchises goes a long way to enjoying or appreciating what comes in each box. Outside of a few, expensive boxes, subscription box companies are not trying to cater to you personally, they are trying to reach a large audience.
Monthly themes might help month-to-month subscribers decide if they want a box, but for those looking to grab multiple month subscriptions, be ready for items you don’t like. And when you get those items, don’t head to the Internet to express your anger.
This box was not made specifically for you. I think this thought is what pass by so many people when they grab a subscription box.
We have so many great partners in the subscription box game, and if you want to support our site or these companies, be sure to check them out below!
Geek Fuel – – Purchase using this link and get a free Star Wars item or Star Wars pack, depending on the length of subscription.
Loot Crate / Loot Gaming – – Use coupon code GAMESREVIEWS to save a few dollars of your subscription!
Super Geek Box – – Use code SUPER to save 3$ of your subscription!
Article By Adam Roffel
Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.
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