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Samus Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL announced by Nintendo of America

We’ll say it again and louder for those in the back: THE 3DS ISN’T GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON. Need more proof? Nintendo of America announced another New Nintendo 3DS XL model today! The new system is a “Samus Edition” model. Samus is the main character of Metroid. The system will be coming out the same day as Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS.


The Samus Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL will be out on September 15, the same day as Metroid: Samus Returns.

This new system looks amazing! I really wish I had more money, because I do want this but I have to focus on getting a Switch this year! Nintendo is making that hard.

I love the Metroid franchise and this is definitely something Metroid fans will want to have. If you are a fan and have the money for this, I hope you pick it up and enjoy!

What do you think of the Samus Edition New Nintendo 3DS XL?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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