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Red Dead Redemption Arrives On Nintendo Switch August 17th

Red Dead Redemption was Rockstars take on the Western, a Grand Theft Auto type game set in the old West. And its coming to the Nintendo Switch very soon. Check out the trailer below.

Red Dead Redemption will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on August 17th.

This announcement took me by surprise. I couldn’t remember if the game had been previously announced for the Switch. It appears that it was newly announced today though! Whoa. And its coming really soon.

I think this game could be huge on the Switch! An open world Western game in portable mode?! Oh my goodness. Wow. Hopefully its a great port of the game. It is including the Undead Nightmare DLC too.

I noticed on twitter it was announced by Nintendo UK that its coming out on digital first and then a physical release on October 13th.

Are you excited for Red Dead Redemption on the Nintendo Switch?


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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