No Man’s Sky: A Calming Experience
If you’ve had the pleasure of playing Subnautica, Ark, or a host of other survival titles, you know how tense and stressful they can be. In Ark for example, no matter where you decide to set up shop and lay down some roots, you always need to be aware of predatory dinosaurs, extreme temperatures, hunger, etc. No Man’s Sky is a completely different experience, where dying is not suppose to be the norm. Sure, you will engage with hostile wildlife, aliens, and even in space ship battles, but for the most part, it’s about exploration, discovery, and, well, survival.

It’s unfortunate that No Man’s Sky was hyped so much, and I’m incredibly thankful that initially, I did not want to review this game. In 2014, I heard the premise of the title, and essentially said, “No thanks.” Early this summer, a Sony Canada representative shot over an email asking if we wanted to review No Man’s Sky. I didn’t, but figured another staffer would so I accepted. Then I forgot. Because of a variety of circumstances, I ended up with the code a bit before launch day, and reluctantly began my adventure.
What an idiot I was. Fortunately, because of my disinterest in the game, I avoided the hype train. I was experiencing most of this content for the first time, as it was meant to be consumed. A few hours in, and I’m enjoying my experience immensely. I’m discovering new planets, new flora, and new species. I’m learning the alien language, trading at outposts, and even have upgraded my ship. I’ve been collecting resources from various sources, and although the game definitely has a rinse and repeat feel to it, it’s incredibly calming. In fact, I can get home from a stressful day at work, pop on No Man’s Sky, and get lost in that universe.
No Man’s Sky is so damn calming, and I love it. You might too
We will have more coverage on No Man’s Sky throughout the month of August, including our full review. For now, I’m going to take my time and enjoy what’s here.