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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 3: Rayman in the Phantom Show – Reveal Trailer

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope will be getting its third and final DLC at the end of this month. Check out the reveal trailer below!

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 3: Rayman in the Phantom Show will be coming out on August 30th!

And this upcoming DLC looks amazing! We were a bit underwhelmed by the first DLC and thought the second one was ok, but this one looks like it’ll be just what we’ve been waiting for. Rayman joins the gang in a cool new adventure that looks to mix things up on the Space Opera Network Dimension! Whew. We are so ready to play this DLC. We’ll definitely have some impressions of it as soon as we can!

Also, please give us a new Rayman game Ubisoft!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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