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Global Recession Will help Xbox Series X over PS5

COVID 19 has created a host of problems around the goal, taxing health care systems, designating businesses, and ultimately hurting millions of folks who have lost jobs and household incomes due to the inevitable recession. And while Government works to cut checks to those who need it most, many have bills coming in, with barely enough – and sometimes not enough – income to keep them going. Video game sales and console sales are also going to take a hit.

Xbox Series X Tech 2
Assuming the Xbox Series X and the PS5 retail for a similar price, many are going to have to decide between the two, or decide not to purchase at all. While responsibly, people likely should forego console purchases they won’t. Moreover, many will find that they do not know how to properly budget and end up exceeding their monthly allotments for expenditures. However, when it comes to being consumer friendly, the Xbox ecosystem far exceeds the current PlayStation situation
And when it comes to being consumer friendly, the Xbox ecosystem Trump’s the current PlayStation situation.
On launch day, players can hop onto their Xbox Series X systems, subscribe to GamePass for 9.99, and instantly access 100s of titles, including any launch day, first party titles. Imagine going to the store, dropping 499.99 on your Xbox, and then having to shell out an additional 69.99 to pick up, say, Halo Infinite. For an individual who maybe shouldn’t be buying the $500 console in the first place, another $70 would be a lot.
Want to know what is digestible? 9.99 Halo Infinite via GamePass.
Further, Microsoft has promised that Xbox Series X would be compatible with Xbox One controllers, which means those looking to play multiplayer on day one with friends or siblings can do so without shelling out for extra controllers, once again saving money folks don’t necessarily have in excess.
When it comes to the hardest hit in society, who might be keeping that console savings to the side as a nice treat this holiday, it does appear that Microsoft is offering the best bang-for-buck.

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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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