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Fort Triumph for the Nintendo Switch

Fort Triumph is a strategy rpg in the vain of Mario and Rabbids or Xcom. Will fans of those games like this game too? Let’s take a look at Fort Triumph for the Nintendo Switch!


Fort Triumph is a strategy rpg that will remind a lot of Nintendo Switch fans of Mario and Rabbids. However, Fort Triumph doesn’t have the same quirky humor or charm of Mario and Rabbids.

Instead, it is set in Adventure game like world full of knights, wizards, and more. It has some humor but its not as off the wall as Mario and Rabbids. Its too bad Fort Triumph doesn’t have voice acting because its story would be much more interesting if it did. The narrator and dialogue in the game just seem that they should be voice acted.

While the story is just okay, its strategy battle system is very solid with some of its battles being easy while others are much harder. Strategy fans will find plenty to like in its battle system. There’s also a neat fort building mechanic too! Fort Triumph has good gameplay.

Its graphics, meanwhile, are fine but its not as polished as a bigger budget game like Mario and Rabbids or Xcom. The game’s world map is the best looking part of the game. It looks very nice.

Overall, Fort Triumph is a a good strategy game thats fans of Mario and Rabbids and Xcom should like.

Fort Triumph gets a 7.5 out of 10.

Thanks to Plan of Attack for providing a review code. Fort Triumph is available now for the Nintendo Switch.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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